Eternity Technologies Launches “Quasar” a new generation of Carbon Nano Motive Batteries Made in UAE

Eternity Technologies launches Quasar

Carbon Nano Motive Battery delivering increased performance in energy demanding applications

Leading industrial battery manufacturer Eternity Technologies is launching QUASAR, a new range of Carbon Nano Motive batteries to deliver more power, longer run times and faster recharge versus conventional lead batteries.

Designed mainly for the heavy-duty material handling market such as electric forklift trucks, QUASAR batteries can be fully charged in just four hours and with opportunity charging capabilities offering even greater flexibility. QUASAR Carbon Nano motive batteries are ideal for material handling equipment operating in multi-shift, outdoor and cold storage applications with up to 50% more power. Equally, QUASAR is an ideal battery for extremely high temperatures indoor or outdoor.

The QUASAR positive plate utilises Thin Tube technology, which offers greater energy density and higher discharge performance. It also incorporates a market leading phenolic resin separator which can meet the heavy-duty operating demands and provides excellent oxidation resistance. The QUASAR negative plate contains Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) technology, which increases its fast charge capability, without any degradation to the life of the batteries.

Using the latest manufacturing production processes and equipment, Eternity Technologies’ QUASAR batteries are now made in its UAE factory and can deliver an enviable 99% recycling rate further supporting a sustainable and truly circular economy.

Dr Mark Stevenson of Eternity Technologies, explains: “QUASAR, is our new premium battery range and a great addition to our already extensive battery offering. After very successful trials and qualifications by our customers we are ready to serve the global motive markets and offer a strong value proposition.”

About Eternity Technologies

Eternity Technologies deliver the most reliable, sustainable and available industrial battery solutions for the Motive and Network Power markets.

With unique state of the art manufacturing facilities in place, Eternity Technologies has operations in United Arab Emirates, Germany, Spain, USA, Chile and South Africa and is today one of the fastest growing industrial battery companies.

Eternity Technologies sells to over 100 countries worldwide offering a wide range of industrial batteries, chargers and services for material handling equipment, electric forklifts, renewable energy storage or off grid solar systems.

For more details about products from Eternity Technologies, including the new QUASAR batteries, visit the website


CCTV+: China’s socialist democracy focuses on improvement of people’s life: scholars

BEIJING, Dec. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Ways to achieve democracy are varied in forms but all aim at realizing the common values of all mankind, and socialist democracy is a more genuine and superior form of democracy, said global scholars at a forum this weekend.

Themed “the shared human values”, the two-day International Forum on Democracy kicked off on Saturday in Beijing.

Roland Boer, a professor from School of Marxism at Dalian University of Technology, pointed out that there must be relative superiority among democratic forms, so it is necessary to choose a democratic form that best suits the conditions of a particular place.

“The socialist democracy is a more genuine and superior form of democracy, and it is very encouraging to see that China is in the process of a global reclamation of democracy for socialism, because socialism is, of course, far more democratic than capitalism,” he said.

“China has a political system which is determined by real results that is improvement in the real lives of people, not by form or processes. Because it is a socialist country. China’s economy can be brought under rule by the people, which is excluded by the capitalist system of rule of the economy by private property,” said scholar John Ross, former director of the Department of Economic and Business Policy in London.

Many scholars stressed that there are many ways to achieve democracy, but all of them aim to realize the common values of all mankind and make democracy move forward. Therefore, western democracy should not be incorporated into all political systems as there are no universal standards for democracy.


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The Giants SABIC and Aramco Accredit Jazeera Paints’ Products

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Jazeera Paints, a leading manufacturer and provider of paint industry and construction solutions in MENA region, has recently added a new record to its products through obtaining the accreditation by the giant companies SABIC and Saudi Aramco.

The Giants SABIC and Aramco Accredit Jazeera Paints’ Products

SABIC, the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation, is a Saudi Arabian multinational chemical manufacturing company. It is a well-reputed company that is active in petrochemicals, chemicals, industrial polymers, fertilizers, and metals. Aramco, Saudi Arabian Oil Company, is a Saudi Arabian public petroleum and natural gas company based in Dhahran; and it is classified as one of the largest companies by revenue in 2020.

Jazeera Paints’ products accreditation by the two giant companies comes as an outcome of the reputable quality that Jazeera Paints always puts as a top priority, as stated by the accreditor companies.

On this occasion, Mr. Hany Saraya, Projects General Manager at Jazeera Paints, stated, “This accreditation of Jazeera Paints products and construction solutions by the two Saudi giants, SABIC and Aramco, is one of the loudest testimonies on the outstanding quality of our products. It is a certificate of fulfilling the highest standards there is!” These accredited products reflect the success of Jazeera Paints in providing high performance coating systems for corrosion protection with a long-term sustainable protection of high value structures, including a wide range of coatings for all infrastructures, oil, and gas industries, all of which meets megaprojects’ requirements while minimizing the maintenance time and cost, in addition to maintaining structures durability.

This wide range of products target sustaining the up-market structures against different environmental factors and atmospheric exposures in compliance with ISO 12944, through preventing corrosion with different coating techniques and categories. Mr. Saraya continued, “Our mission is not a one-time achievement. We constantly seek continuity of taking and playing the leadership role in paints industry and construction solutions. Providing high quality products along with meeting world-class standards are among the factors that have assisted us in maintaining the lead.”

Jazeera Paints offers a wide range of celebrated paint products, construction solution, and various services to choose at your convenience. These products are available to order from Jazeera Paints’ official website at . UAE-based clients may also enquire by phone at +966 920000085.

More about Jazeera Paints

Founded in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 1979, Jazeera Paints is a pioneering paint manufacturer in the GCC and MENA, with an established reputation for manufacturing and exporting high-quality and eco-friendly paints.

It is a leading company in the paint industry and the first manufacturer to launch “Green Products” that meet the requirements of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) in the MENA region.

Through the Jazeera Paints Academy, Jazeera Paints endeavors to raise the level of quality and progress of the paint industry in the region. In 2012, the academy became the first institution to offer specialized training in paint manufacturing and applications in the GCC and MENA.

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شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية، سي جي تي أن: الديمقراطية، قيمة إنسانية مشتركة منتدى الديمقراطية يفتتح أعماله في بكين

بكين, 7 كانون الأول/ديسمبر، 2021 / PRNewswire/ — الديمقراطية هي قيمة إنسانية مشتركة،  وليست نطاق براءة اختراع لقلة نصبت نفسها بنفسها، كما أكد “المنتدى الدولي للديمقراطية:  القيم الإنسانية المشتركة” يوم السبت.

وفي الخطاب الرئيسي، طرح هوانغ كونمينغ، عضو المكتب السياسي للجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني ورئيس دائرة الدعاية باللجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي الصيني، أربعة أفكار تخص مقترحات الحزب الشيوعي الصيني بشأن الديمقراطية.

أولا، أكد هوانغ أن الديمقراطية التزام لا هوادة فيه للحزب الشيوعي الصيني والشعب الصيني.  فالحزب الشيوعي الصيني ملتزم دائمًا بالسعي وراء إسعاد الشعب وتجديد شباب الأمة الصينية.  وقد أجرى استكشافات لا هوادة فيها حول مكانة الناس بصفتهم سادة البلاد.

Democracy, shared human values: Forum on democracy opens in Beijing

ثانياً، أكد هوانغ أن مكانة الشعب كسيد للبلاد هي جوهر الديمقراطية الشعبية.

وذكر هوانغ أن الديمقراطية ليست زخرفة تزيينية، ولكنها بالأحرى أداة لمعالجة القضايا التي تهم الناس.

ثالثا، شدد الوزير على أن ديمقراطية العملية الكاملة الشعبية في الصين هي ابتكار عظيم للديمقراطية في الصين.

الديمقراطية الاشتراكية في الصين هي الديمقراطية الأوسع والأكثر أصالة والأكثر فاعلية التي تتضمن مجموعة من العمليات، بما في ذلك الانتخابات والمشاورات وصنع القرار والإدارة والرقابة.

وقال هوانغ إن ديمقراطية العملية الكاملة الشعبية في الصين تدمج الديمقراطية الموجهة نحو العملية مع الديمقراطية الموجهة نحو النتائج، والديمقراطية الإجرائية مع الديمقراطية الموضوعية، والديمقراطية المباشرة مع الديمقراطية غير المباشرة، والديمقراطية الشعبية مع إرادة الدولة.

رابعًا، قال هوانغ إنه سواء كانت الدولة ديمقراطية أم لا، فإن شعبها هو الأكثر أهلية للإجابة عن هذا السؤال.  من غير المناسب لدولة واحدة بعينها أن تحكم على الممارسات الديمقراطية لبلد آخر.

وردد شين هايشيونغ، رئيس مجموعة الصين الإعلامية، كلمات هوانغ.  وأشاد بكفاءة وعدالة الديمقراطية الصينية، وأعلن أن الديمقراطية الأميركية “مريضة بشكل خطير”.

وفقًا لشين، فإن فرض الولايات المتحدة ديمقراطيتها على دول أخرى بغض النظر عن الاختلافات الثقافية والتاريخية قد أدى إلى اضطراب اقتصادي وكارثة إنسانية للسكان المحليين.

وفي إشارة إلى تغطية سي جي تي أن  الحصرية لأفغانستان، تعهد شين بأن تواصل مجموعة الإعلام الصينية تحمل مسؤوليتها كمنظمة إعلامية دولية كبرى لنشر الحقيقة ومشاركة القصص الديمقراطية في الصين.

وقال شن “سنعمل بنشاط لدفع بناء بيئة رأي عام عالمي صحية، ومواصلة تعزيز التبادلات بين مختلف الحضارات للمساهمة في بناء مجتمع مصير مشترك للبشرية.”  

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Anova Elevates The Bar On Consumer Engagement And Empowerment With The Release Of Anova Connect™

A powerful, targeted marketing engine for LPG/Propane Marketers. 100% peace of mind for consumers. New carbon emissions information for a more sustainable world.

DUBAI, UAE, Dec. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — LPG Week — Anova, a trusted innovator and leader in remote tank monitoring solutions, today announced the launch of Anova Connect™, a mobile app that delivers peace of mind for customers with on-demand tank level information and easy, 1-click delivery and service requests. Embedded in the solution, the Anova Mobile Marketer™ engine Anova Connect elevates the marketing bar on audience segmentation and event-based marketing, pinpointing multiple campaigns to dynamic audiences for very personalized end-consumer experiences – and highly productive marketing for providers. With new and unparalleled, in-depth automation and targeted marketing capability, Anova Connect not only helps build customer loyalty, it also delivers consumers insight on their impact on carbon emissions.

Anova Connect Mobile App

“Anova Connect & Mobile Marketer was borne out of our industry finally being in a position to respond to the ‘Mass Customization’ paradigm, through data-driven consumer engagement tailored to a demographic’s needs, aimed at supporting marketing, education and sales programs. Whether it’s ‘nudging’ will-calls to become automatic, or promoting renewable LPG as a sustainable future, or providing usage to inform touch-of-button reordering on a mobile app, Mobile Marketer provides the services and analytics, and Connect provides the channel to over a 1,000,000 monitored accounts,” says Chet Reshamwala, CEO of Anova. “Connect creates a new, two-way communications channel with the customer, digitizing the messaging and the response, relieving call centers and driving up Net Promoter Scores!” he adds.

“For the first time, LPG/Propane marketers truly have a way to engage their customers digitally with targeted, personalized, data-driven campaigns,” says Francisco Moreira, Software Product Manager, Anova. “Providers deserve the best, professional-level marketing automation capabilities, affordably, and seamlessly integrated with their existing tank monitoring operation. Anova Connect gives them a marketing competitive edge and the ability to provide customers information on their carbon footprint,” he says.

About Anova:
Anova is connecting the industrial world for better by digitizing the supply chains of the manufacturers and distributors of LPG/Propane, industrial gases, chemicals, fuels, lubricants, and other products. Through innovation in remote telemetry analytics and technology, including tank levels, pressures and temperatures, and predictive maintenance of related industrial equipment, Anova has enabled new levels of operational insight, efficiency, and consumer experience. Anova cloud-native solutions are used in over 80 countries around the world, providing insight on close to a million industrial assets, and support in 12 languages. The company’s 2,000+ clients run the gamut from small, regional businesses to the world’s largest LPG/Propane, industrial gases, and chemicals manufacturers and distributors. Anova is the only globally deployed company in the remote telemetry space, reflecting its long-earned trust and reliability, the breadth of asset type monitoring solutions, and its universal communication network and satellite communications support. For more information, visit

Media Contact:
Bridget Piraino
O: +1 908.373.5678

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