In Numbers

1,793,913 people assisted in April 2022

  • 803,966 through crisis response
  • 993,947 through resilience building

USD 95 million six-month (May – October 2022) net funding requirements.

7,205 metric tons of food assistance distributed USD 4 million cash-based transfers made

Strategic Updates

  • On 13 April, WFP Niger held a meeting in Niamey to brief donors on the current and upcoming food security situation in Niger, WFP’s funding requirements and the plan to scale up activities to reach 3.8 million people with life-saving and resilience assistance in 2022. WFP finalized a budget revision of its Country Strategic Plan to reflect these changes.
  • Evidence shows that the severity of the food crisis has increased negative coping strategies among vulnerable households, such as the consumption of less expensive but less preferred food, reduction in the number of meals per day, selling of houses and last female animals.
  • Violent clashes between non-state armed groups (NSAGs) near the Mali-Niger border has been causing significant population displacement of Malian civilians into the regions of Tahoua and Tillabéri in Niger. WFP is closely monitoring the situation with UNHCR and Rapid Response Mechanism partners as further refugee movements are observed. As of end of April, Niger hosts 280,000 registered refugees of whom WFP is assisting over 144,000.
  • WFP signed a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Ministries of Environment, Agriculture, Livestock, and Hydraulics, in order to continue supporting the Government through the implementation of livelihood activities as part of its integrated resilience package.
  • Insecurity: Due to insecurity in Burkina Faso and near its border with Niger, WFP was forced to reroute cargo from the Lomé port through Benin instead of Burkina Faso, further increasing already high transportation costs.

Source: World Food Programme

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