Loroum/Baccalaureate 2024: The province achieves an overall success rate of 30% in the first round

The results of the first round of the 2024 Baccalaureate were announced on Thursday June 27, 2024 in Titao. 43 candidates including 14 boys and 29 girls were declared admitted, an overall rate of 43%. 31 other candidates (09 boys and 22 boys) will undergo the second round tests.

There were 110 candidates registered for the series A baccalaureate, 100 made up of 25 boys and 75 girls in the first round.

At the baccalaureate series D level, out of 147 registered candidates, 141 candidates, i.e. 84 boys and 57 girls, took part in the written and oral tests.

30 candidates, i.e. 23 boys and 7 girls, were declared admitted, i.e. a rate of 21%. The other 31 candidates are in the second round.

Due to the difficult security situation, a large number of Loroum baccalaureate candidates were supervised in Ouahigouya.

8 series A candidates and 5 other series D candidates took the courses on site in Titao.

In the first round, 4 candidates who followed the courses in series A obtained their parchment and 2 in the secon
d round.

In series D, 1 candidate passed his exam and 2 others in the second round.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Burkina/Ziniaré: An inmate obtains his baccalaureate

A student detained at the Ziniaré civil prison obtained his series D baccalaureate in the first round, the prison administration announced on Monday July 1, 2024 on its Facebook page.

A resident (21 years old) of the Ziniaré Detention and Correction Center (MAC-Ziniaré) obtained his Baccalaureate Series D, at the end of the first round with an average of 11.54/20, indicated the same source.

A final year student and detained since January 11, 2024, he received authorization from the judicial and administrative administration and benefited from the support of the prison administration, to practice and compose the baccalaureate exams, 2024 session.

‘It is with great satisfaction that this inmate, despite his conditions of detention, demonstrates once again that ‘everything does not end with prison’ by obtaining his series D baccalaureate,’ commented the prison administration on Facebook.

She added that this admission is living proof that the process of social reintegration of prisoners is underway in the pen
itentiary establishments of Burkina Faso.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Gourma/Baccalaureate 2024: The province of Gourma achieves a success rate of 36.54% in the 1st round

The province of Gourma achieved a success rate of 36.54% in the first round of the baccalaureate exam for the 2024 session.

Out of a total of 3,877 candidates, including 2,010 girls and 1,867 boys, registered for the 2024 baccalaureate session, 1,386 candidates, including 637 girls and 334 boys, were admitted in the first round, representing a success rate of 36.54%.

985 candidates including 521 girls and 464 boys are authorized to take part in the 2nd round tests.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Ouagadougou: The Young Students and United Students association in battle against unsanitary conditions

Ouagadougou: The Young Students and United Students association (JEEU) cleaned during the night from Saturday to Sunday, the portion of the road going from the Cathedral to the Rond-Point des Cinéastes in Ouagadougou. This activity was preceded by a talk on citizenship and patriotism.

‘Our mothers from the green brigade, with their brooms, try every morning to make our streets clean. It’s a citizen action that helps restore a good image to the city,’ declares Saïd Sylla Zombra, communications manager for the association Jeunes Elèves et Étudiants Unis (JEEU).

For him, the street sweepers in the early morning, called women of the green brigade, restore shine to the streets of the capital through their civic action.

Mr. Zombra was speaking during the night from Saturday to Sunday in Ouagadougou, during a cleaning activity organized by his association.

According to the president of the association, Cheick Amed Tidjane Compaoré, this activity aims on the one hand to pay tribute to the mothers of the green bri
gade for the efforts they make to make cities clean and on the other hand to bring the community schoolchildren and students to adopt cleanliness around them so that Burkina Faso is one of the cleanest countries in Africa.

The members and supporters of the association, around sixty, cleaned the street leaving the Cathedral Church of Ouagadougou to go to the Rond-Point des Cinéastes via the central town hall.

‘We were really surprised by the goodwill of these young people who agreed to sacrifice this Saturday and occupied it usefully through this civic action, namely the sweeping of the tar,’ rejoices Saïd Zombra.

‘This activity is a great initiative that we fully appreciate. Seeing young people and students coming together to carry out eco-citizen action in the city is truly to be welcomed,’ greets Assami Tiendrébéogo, First Vice-President of the Special Delegation of Ouagadougou. Assami Tiendrébéogo encouraged participants to raise awareness about citizen actions that reflect their patriotism.

Before the
actual cleaning began, the members of the association led a discussion on citizenship and patriotism.

‘A good citizen is one who respects the duties and rights that his country confers on him. The good citizen does not wait for his country to give to him,’ says Labidi Naba, spokesperson for the Faso Kooz movement, speaker.

According to him, the citizen should be the one who does good things in his environment and for his homeland.

‘Regarding patriotism, we invited them to respond positively to the various calls from their state. The transition has put in place certain instruments such as popular shareholding through community entrepreneurship and the Patriotic Support Fund, which allow people to demonstrate their patriotism,’ explains Labidi Naba.

Sosthène Sanou, special advisor to the President of Faso, responsible for youth, present at this talk, encouraged the members of the association to continue in this momentum.

Cheick Amed Tidjane Compaoré expressed his gratitude to the special advisor to the Hea
d of State in charge of youth, to the 1st vice-president of the special delegation from Ouagadougou, to all the distinguished guests and to his comrades for their effective presence.

The Young Students and United Students association was created in 2021. It has several hundred supporters led by an office of 12 members. In addition to civic activities, JEEU holds leadership sessions.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

Regional consultation framework: The branches of the Ministry of Higher Education want to speak with one voice

The regional directorate of higher education, research and innovation (MESRI) organized, in Koudougou, on June 27, 2024, an exchange meeting for the benefit of all the branches of the ministry located in the Central-West region.

Improving the synergy of actions between the MESRI structures in the Center-West region is the objective set by this consultation framework.

According to the regional director, Dr Jonas Koala, it appeared essential that a consultation framework be established in order to facilitate the flow of information between the MESRI structures established in the region.

This includes the regional directorate of environmental and agricultural research at the Saria Center, the Nanoro clinical research unit and the regional directorate of higher education, research and innovation (DRESRI) based in Koudougou.

Dr Koala specifies that since its establishment, DRESRI has reached an acceptable level of operation. However, as it continues, its role in supporting MESRI structures in the Center-West i
s not sufficiently known by the actors of these structures.

Hence the need for this consultation framework to enable the DRESRI to have access to the needs of these structures in terms of support in order to fully play its role as a decentralized structure for coordinating and relaying higher education activities, research and innovation.

It was therefore a great opportunity for DRESRI to set out its objectives and ambitions and then to collect the expectations of the different structures with regard to DRESRI.

Source: Burkina Information Agency