The 7th Pan African Forum on Migration – Ministerial Communique

We the Ministers responsible for Environment, Migration, Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation from AU Member States meeting in Kigali, Rwanda; during the Ministerial Session of the 7th Pan African Forum on Migration (PAFOM) on 21 October 2021 under the Chairpersonship of Hon. Judith UWIZEYE, Minister in the Office of the President, the Republic of Rwanda; under the theme “Addressing the Impact of Climate Change on Migration and human mobility in Africa: Building Adaptation Strategies and Resilient Communities.

  1. Express their appreciation to the Government of Senegal for hosting the PAFOM 6 in Dakar, Senegal in 2021 and further congratulated the Republic of Rwanda for assuming the PAFOM 7 Chairmanship and successfully hosting the Forum in Kigali, Rwanda.
  2. Further appreciate the Commission as the Secretariat of the Forum for successfully working with the Republic of Rwanda to host the meeting and expressed profound gratitude to IOM and IFRC and all partners; for providing necessary support for hosting the meeting.
  3. Commend the leadership of the AU Commission, closely collaborating with UN in supporting Member States and RECs in addressing the agenda of climate change and human mobility in the continent; especially in the implementation of the Africa Climate Mobility Initiative (ACMI).
  4. Express deep concern that the adverse dynamics of climate change coupled with rapid changes in demographics with their intricate relationship with development, were amongst the most pressing challenges that dominated the continent’s socio-economic development and has an impact to the continental developmental gains, aspirations of the AU Agenda 2063 and realization of the UN Sustainable Goals.
  5. Note with concern that drought, floods, cyclones and extreme temperatures have caused extensive damage to infrastructure, disrupted economic activity and affected livelihoods of African citizens thereby causing people to move or to be uprooted from their communities in search of opportunities for better livelihoods;



Source: African Union