Addis Ababa: The current antagonizing approach by leaders of Somalia is disgraceful and a total denial of Ethiopia that has contributed hugely to maintain their country’s statehood, veteran diplomat Ambassador Tiruneh Zena said.

Approached by ENA, Ambassador Tiruneh appreciated Ethiopia as anchor and historical nation in Africa, has still remained responsible and reacted to such hostile narrative rationally.

Evidently, Somalia is currently pursuing unprecedented moves and a negative rhetoric against Ethiopia by inviting outside powers that are seeking geopolitical influence.

Following these narrow calculations, many geopolitical experts have been expressing concerns that the hostility stands to jeopardize the well earned stability for which Ethiopia has sacrificed enormously, the diplomat pointed out.

For Ambassador Tiruneh, Ethiopia has paid dearly for statehood and unity of Somalia.

For years, Ethiopia has been a steadfast ally, contributing militarily, diplomatically, and economically to Somalia’s fra
gile stability and Ethiopian troops in particular were critical in curbing the power of terrorist groups.

Moreover, Ethiopian diplomats used their influence to garner international goodwill and aid for Somalia’s reconstruction.

‘When Somalia disintegrated into factions, it is Ethiopia which has done everything for the statehood of that country and rebuilt it,Tiruneh recalled.

According to him, Ethiopia’s contributions inherently emanates from its foreign policy that gives utmost importance for the neighboring countries.

‘Of course, every country gives priority to neighboring countries in its foreign policy. But in the case of Ethiopia, there are things which are a bit different. Because significant numbers of citizens of neighboring countries like Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti, they also reside in Ethiopia.’

Those people in the aforementioned countries share the same identity and languages with the population in Ethiopia, the ambassador said.

Many Somalis reside in Ethiopia in the capital Addis Ababa in
particular, which is a clear demonstration that we share the same number of population, he pointed out.

Beyond that Somalis frequently come to Ethiopia in all bad days due to the fact that they consider it as their second home, according to him.

However, the incumbent leadership of Somalia is now disgracefully instigating negative propaganda against Ethiopia and inviting other countries to destabilize the already turbulent East African region.

Addressing these concerns directly, Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister Taye Atske Selassie has warned against the dangerous consequences of such rhetoric.

‘Collusion with forces hostile to peace in this region is short-sighted and counterproductive. Ethiopia remains vigilant in monitoring developments that could threaten our national security. The well-being and prosperity of our country are closely tied to the peace and development of our neighbors,’ the Minister said.

The leaders of Somalia are spreading hatred and antagonism against Ethiopia, forgetting what Ethiopia h
as done to Somalia, in maintaining peace and state building, Ambassador Tiruneh underscored.

In response to Somalia’s hostile propaganda, the ambassador lauded Ethiopia’s response in a rational and responsible manner as anchor and historical nation of the horn region and the entire Africa.

‘Ethiopia should care for its own population, and others living in neighboring countries. The international community also expects from Ethiopia that sort of rational approach. You know, we should not behave like Somalia or other hostile forces near and far,’ Ambassador Tiruneh stated.

As long as Ethiopia is an ancient country with history, culture and civility, he hoped that the East African nation will continue to forge peace and stability in the region and beyond.

‘That’s why Ethiopia is behaving the way it is behaving today, rational despite these antagonistic moves from here and there. But Ethiopia is doing its level best to remain rationally,’ he said.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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