Ethiopian edition of the 2nd Conference on Human Capital Development in Africa (CHCDA), which aims to catalyze Africa’s human capital development through skills development and job creation kicked off today in Addis Ababa.

The conference is organized under the theme of “Towards building self-sustaining Ecosystem: Future of Jobs, Skills, Development and Employability in Ethiopia.”

Ministry of Labor and Skills organized the conference in collaboration with GIZ, ATD-Ethiopia and The I-Capital Africa Institute.

The two-day conference will provide a platform for stakeholders from across Ethiopia to network, share knowledge, and develop collaborative solutions to the most critical human capital development challenges facing the country.

The overall objective of the conference is to contribute towards the improvement of the skills development ecosystem in Ethiopia.

It also aims to create greater involvement and ownership of the private sector, public sector, government, talent development experts, and Local and International development partners to bring a demand-driven and self-sustained skill ecosystem in Ethiopia that promotes skills and job opportunities.

The conference brings together policymakers, thought leaders, employers development partners, dignitaries industry practitioners, researchers, and local and international experts from diverse backgrounds to share their insights and experiences on this important subject.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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