Russia-Ukraine conflict: UN civil aviation council ‘condemns’ Russian violation of Ukraine airspace

The UN’s civil aviation body condemned the “violation” of Ukraine’s territory and airspace after Russia invaded.

The 36 states on the International Civil Aviation Organization Council (ICAO) “condemned the violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of a United Nations Member State, including its airspace,” the agency said in a statement after a meeting of its governing body.

   It said the invasion also violated Article 1 of the Chicago Convention, which established the ICAO as well as the rules of airspace rights and air travel and security.

   The council urged Russia to “cease its unlawful activities to ensure the safety and security of civil aviation in all affected areas” and called on it to “respect its obligations” under international air laws.

   Russia has an elected member on the council of the Montreal-based agency, unlike Ukraine.

   But a Ukrainian representative took part in Friday’s meeting as the council “expressed grave concerns on the latest developments” in the country, the statement said.

   The ICAO is not a global regulator and does not have the power to impose sanctions, but is the forum for states to set international aviation standards.

   In the event of a state’s violation of internationally agreed rules, the ICAO’s role is “to help countries conduct any discussions, condemnations, sanctions… they may wish to pursue, consistent with the Chicago Convention,” its website says.