Some employees of the Plateforme des Promoteurs de la Farine Locale au Cameroun (PROFALCAM), have drawn the attention of the general public and competent ministries to an urgent and pressing issue concerning their unpaid salaries.

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Since our recruitment to this Platform in early 2023, we have been committed to advancing the objectives of PROFALCAM, which aims to promote the processing of local raw materials such as cassava, sweet potatoes, plantains, and wheat into flour for local consumption and export. This initiative is vital to reducing Cameroon’s dependence on imported flour and is in line with the government’s import substitution policy.

Despite our unwavering dedication and hard work, we find ourselves in a difficult situation. To date, we have still not received any payment for our work. This delay has had a serious impact on our ability to meet basic needs, and the financial pressure is becoming increasingly unbearable.

We implore the relevant authorities, in particular PROFALCA
M, the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT), and the Ministry of Finance (MINFI), to give priority to the payment of our unpaid salaries. We believe that timely compensation is essential not only for our well-being but also for the continued success of the platform’s mission.

We urge the media to help shed light on our predicament and advocate for a swift resolution to this issue. Our commitment to the growth of local flour production in Cameroon remains strong, and we hope to resolve this issue so that we can continue our work without the burden of financial distress.

Thank you for your attention to this crucial issue.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

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