Organised Labour declares strike over sale of SSNIT hotels 

Organised Labour has declared an indefinite nationwide strike beginning Monday, July 15, 2024, over the proposed sale of 60 percent shares in four hotels owned by the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).

This follows the National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) approval of the sale of 60 per cent of SSNIT’s shares in the hotels, after calling for it to be stopped some two weeks ago.

‘From Monday, July 15, 2024, all workers in Ghana must not go to work until SSNIT publicly announces the termination of the process for the sale of its shares in the hotels,’ Organised Labour said in a press release copied to the Ghana News Agency.

According to the statement, the Group found it difficult to understand how and why NPRA would turn around to approve such a ‘flawed deal’ two weeks after issuing a directive for it to be stopped.

‘Organised Labour would like to reiterate its well-known position that the proposed sale of SSNIT’s shares in the four hotels is not in the best interest of Ghanaian w
orkers. We, therefore, demand that SSNIT terminates the process immediately,’ the statement added.

The NPRA on June 28 directed SSNIT to suspend its negotiations with Rock City Hotel Limited on the proposed sale of its four hotels; however, the Authority reportedly gave its approval for the transaction later.

The NPRA’s later decision was made known on the floor of Parliament by Mr Ignatius Baffour Awuah, Pensions Minister, on Thursday, July 11, 2024.

Source: Ghana News Agency