Morocco’s Govt Strives to Regulate Right to Strike Through Responsible Dialogue with Trade Unions – Govt Spokesperson

Rabat – The government is striving to provide a regulatory and legal framework for the right to strike, as part of a serious, responsible and participatory dialogue with trade unions, Government Spokesperson, Mustapha Baitas, said on Thursday in Rabat.

Speaking during a press briefing following the Government Council, Baitas stated that after presenting draft organic law n° 97.15 defining conditions and procedures for exercising the right to strike, it would be, starting today, discussed in order to advance in this participatory approach and receive the different opinions within the Parliament.

After recalling that the organic law on the conditions and procedures for exercising the right to strike is at the top of the list of laws provided for in the 2011 Constitution, Baitas added that this draft is one of the reform projects on which the government is working.

He also noted that the government’s institutionalization of social dialogue is aimed at debating fundamental issues of great importance, and takin
g into account the demands of trade unions, which concern, first and foremost, the working class and its working conditions.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse