Monetisation in Politics, a threat to women’s empowerment – Dzifa Gomashie

Ms Dzifa Abla Gomashie, Member of Parliament for Ketu South believes monetisation of political enterprise is a major threat preventing women from taking up responsibilities and other leadership positions.

She said, that most women were ready to take up leadership roles, particularly in politics, but monetisation had become an anti-climax, which was excluding most women due to their financial disadvantage.

‘Politics is really expensive, and it is evident that women are not financially strong enough to take up such responsibilities as compared to their fellow men who are financially comfortable and take advantage of us the women mostly,’

The lawmaker made the remarks in an interview with the Ghana News Agency when she shared her thoughts on the recently passed ‘Affirmative Action and Gender Equality Act-2024’ in Parliament.

On the relevance of the law and its benefits, Ms Gomashie said, a lot of laws must be tested to reveal their relevance and called on her women in general to gather the courage and take u
p leadership roles, especially in politics.

‘It is not going to be a walk in the park, but it is doable. You must be courageous, and strategic to be able to be successful on the back of this law,’ she said.

She called on Civil Society Organisations and Non-Governmental Organisations to provide financial and social support to women, who would show interest in pursuing such leadership roles, especially in the political ecosystem.

According to her, apart from the economic disadvantages, women also needed the necessary social and psychological support they need to be able to pursue such dreams due to the discrimination they face in society.

The Affirmative Action and Gender Equality Act 2024 as passed by the Ghanaian parliament, awaiting presidential assent is aimed at promoting equal opportunities for women, reducing discrimination, promoting social justice, and increasing women’s representation among many aims.

Source : Ghana News Agency