Limbe City: Mayor honors military’s ‘great work’ in SW37th AU Summit Will Begin This Morning in Addis Ababa

By Eratus Ndueh

Despite recent unrests in some parts of Fako division, the mayor of Limbe City, Paul Efome Ngale, conveyed his gratefulness to the Cameroonian military for sustaining peace and stability in the city that is in the Southwest region, during a visit by two generals on February 16, 2024.

This comes on the sidelines of the mayor’s plans to reignite the Limbe Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC)

Observers however, the persisting insecurity in the region raises the concern of whether the military are doing enough to contain the so called ‘peace and security’ in that part of the country.

Meantime, Limbe residents remain worried due to the constant threat of violence from separatist groups. The recent attackers by assailants who set fire on houses and opened fire on residents which claimed the lives of 20 civilians and seven injured in Mamfe, further highlight the tense atmosphere in the region.

While the mayor compliment the military’s role in the city, it’s crucial to acknowledge the discord be
tween his narrative and the lived experiences of Limbe residents. The closing up of shops for respecting ghost towns, suggests a more complex reality where fear and instability persist.

The complexity in comprehending the happenings in the region requires recognizing the inconsistency between official tales and the reality of ordinary citizens. However, further investigation is needed to shed light on the complexities of the conflict and the true state of peace and stability in the city.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Addis Ababa: The 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union will begin this morning in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa.

The two-day meeting will be held under the AU’s theme of the year for 2024 “Educate an African fit for the 21st Century: Building resilient education systems for increased access to inclusive, lifelong, quality, and relevant learning in Africa.”

Leaders of AU member countries, representatives of various international organizations and other invited guest from across the globe are in Addis Ababa to attend the summit.

Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed, Current Chairperson of the AU, Comorian President Azali Assoumani, AU Commission Chairperson Mussa Faki Mhamat and United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres are expected to deliver speech on the opening of the assembly today.

The assembly will discuss the status of peace and security on the continent, regional integration, and development among other critical issues.

e launch of the Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan of the AU’s Agenda 2063: ‘The Africa we want’ will also be the highlight of the 37th AU summit.

Agenda 2063 serves as a fifty-year blueprint for Africa’s socio-economic development and integration, adopted by the AU member states after extensive consultations across the continent.

The Assembly of Heads of State and Government is the AU’s supreme policy and decision-making organ. It comprises all Member State Heads of State and Government.

The Assembly determines the AU’s policies, establishes its priorities, adopts its annual programme and monitors the implementation of its policies and decisions.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency