In the capital of Aïr, the President of the Republic HE Mohamed Bazoum will chair the Forum for Peace and Social Cohesion, an intercommunity meeting focused on issues of Peace-Security-Stability. This theme comes back as a leitmotif for the Head of State who remains attentive to the consolidation of peace and community living together.

The city of Agadez, which receives with great fanfare the President of the Republic and the delegation accompanying him, this Thursday 30 and Friday 1 July 2022 has always been through its millennial history, a crossroads of rapprochement of peoples and tolerance. . Niger has always been able to capitalize on this centuries-old practice of social cohesion and living together, magnified by the joking relationships between the different socio-ethnic groups.

The symbolism of Agadez is marked by the different influences, at the crossroads of historic Sudan and Berberia, of the Tuareg, Hausa, Arab, Peul, Toubou, Songhai heritages… It is a snapshot of Niger in miniature which has contributed to forging our national identity.

The city considered the Capital of Peace was the scene of the impressive ceremony of the “Flame of Peace” held on September 25, 2000, an event which sealed the return of stability and development in front of an audience of more than 10,000 people.

The President of the Republic has constantly encouraged the rapprochement of populations and the convergence of minds to make Niger a haven of peace in tolerance and solidarity. He hammers home these values ​​during the field visits he has undertaken since his investiture to the supreme office.

The Head of State was also the initiator of this kind of meetings for peace, cohesion and against violent extremism. It is a framework for exchanges that are expressed in a spirit of inclusiveness, fraternity and collective commitment between the different social components of our country: the Forum convened on November 24, 2021 in Niamey brought together the living forces of Dosso, Tahoua and Tillabéry regions, including administrative authorities, customary chiefs, religious leaders and civil society. It was followed by others like that of February 11-12, 2022 in Bab Salam (Ingall), preceding that of February 23 to 24, 2022 in Tahoua and the Regional Forum for Social Cohesion, Peace,

The President of the Republic will not hesitate to raise the thorny issue of migrants from West Africa, Central Africa and the Horn of Africa, since the city of Aïr has the particularity of to be a hub of migratory routes to North Africa and Europe. The control of these mass movements could be an important factor of peace and stability in a Sahelian and Maghreb region plagued by extremist currents.

Faced with the mounting dangers caused by regional geopolitical imbalances and the emergence of violent extremism, the authorities have anticipated by countering anything that may cause the shaking of the achievements of social cohesion.

President Mohamed BAZOUM, through his previous functions and his expertise in the field, had taken the measure of the mechanisms of weakening of our common social base: he initiated and encouraged the Forums on Peace, Security and Cohesion in relation to sustainable development, guarantee of success of this company. As the guarantor of national unity, the President of the Republic had to launch an appeal, as in Banibangou, on November 6, 2021, so that our fellow citizens do not give in to emotion in order to preserve social cohesion.

Thus the Forum organized in Niamey on November 24, 2021 deliberately focused on the regions of Tillabéry, Tahoua and Dosso where the problem of terrorism (Northern Mali) and armed banditry (Northern Nigeria) dangerously threatens social cohesion and therefore calls for both emergency therapy and long-term management. The assigned objective was for the social actors to discuss and recall the roles, missions and responsibilities of the main actors of social cohesion and to ensure their commitment. The expected result was to preserve social peace and group cohesion. In Tillabéry, for example, the Forum of March 26 and 27, 2022 aimed to make a relevant and uncompromising diagnosis of the characteristic elements of insecurity in the region; to measure the magnitude of the negative impacts on the socio-economic and political life of the region; to evaluate the solutions already implemented and to identify possible solutions in the short, medium and long term and finally to propose a monitoring framework for the implementation of the recommendations.

These regional forums like the one planned in Agadez on June 30 and July 1, 2022 will bring together all social actors without exception, ranging from national deputies, village and tribal leaders from the most impacted areas, heads of cantons and groups, mayors, representatives of the Regional Council to Regional Governors, prefects, leaders of religious associations, those of youth organizations, representatives of active civil society organizations, representatives of the Diaspora, civil opinion leaders, trade unions from these regions…

Source: Presidency of the Republic of Niger

By pr web

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