Gogetdem presents three new racing chairs to para-athletes

Mr. Rapheal Botsyo Nkegbe, founder of the Gogetdem Club in partnership with Wheels for Change in United States of America (USA), has presented three new racing chairs to para-athletes to sharpen their talents in the sport.

The beneficiaries were Perpetual Sabban, Emmauel Gyasi and Fadiga Mohammed all from Gogetdem Club.

In a short ceremony held at the Accra Sports Stadium, Mr. Nkegbe said his vison was to give back to society.

‘I don’t want to be remembered as a three-time para-athlete or commonwealth participant, but I want to be remembered as someone who has made an impact on others.

‘I would be happy to be at the next Paralympic Games as a coach to see the young ones going there to raise the flag of Ghana high than I did.

‘Any time I have a new chair, i see it as an opportunity for someone to also have a new chair.

‘The chairs are worth $15000, and I can decide to keep it to myself, or sell, but i have given them out.

Mr. Majeed Bawa Deputy Director of the National Sports Authority (NSA) commended G
ogetdem Club for the support and urged the beneficiaries to make good use of the chairs.

He said through the instrumentality of Nkegebe, he had been able to lobby and get equipment to support the younger ones.

‘I am excited today because hardly would you see an individual who has benefited in an activity desiring to pass on to others.

‘Para sports has come to stay in Ghana, and it is not surprising that when we had the opportunity to recruit staff, we recruited some para-athletes to mentor the young ones’ Mr. Bawa stressed.

He said as Nkegebe aimed to nurture and train the upcoming ones there was the need for the NSA to support him and his colleague for them to realise their visions.

Source: Ghana News Agency