GIPC launches 2024 edition of Ghana Club 100

The Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) has launched the 21st edition of the Ghana Club (GC) 100 with a call for deeper collaboration between the government and the private sector to build the Ghanaian economy.

‘We believe that leveraging the strength of both public and private sectors will accelerate our economic recovery and foster sustainable development,’ said Dr. Alex Ampaabeng, the Deputy Minister of Finance.

He launched the awards and made the call at the quarterly GC 100 CEOs Breakfast Meeting held on the theme, ‘Partner for Prosperity: Building a thriving Ghanaian economy’.

He said government through the GIPC has shown commitment to the private sector with the review of the GIPC Act 2013, Act 865, introduction of the new investment code, the investor grievance mechanism system and a comprehensive customer relations management software.

‘The Minister of Finance is working actively to create the enabling environment for business,’ he said.

Mr Yofi Grant, Chief Executive Officer, GIPC noted th
at the contributions and commitments of the private sector were invaluable to the collective success of the country hence the readiness of the centre to advocate and facilitate the needed support for investors to thrive.

‘It is very clear that the bulk of the employment in this country is from the private sector,’ he said.

Speaking on the eligibility criteria for the awards slated for October, Mr Evans Asare, Partner Deal Advisory, KPMG, said the rankings considered only limited liability companies, companies with positive equity in 2023 and companies with government interest less than 50 per cent.

He said applicants were required to have tax clearance certificate and most recent three-years audited financial statements.

The GC 100 awards is an annual event of the GIPC to list the top performing 100 companies in Ghana.

It has the objectives of among other things, developing an open information culture within the Ghanaian corporate sector, provide incentives for improved performance, develop uniform crite
ria for evaluating this performance and establish an annual database of the top 100 performing companies.

Source: Ghana News Agency