Ghana’s environmental challenges highlighted at World Press Freedom Day

The global theme for World Press Freedom Day, ‘Press for the planet: Journalism in the face of the environmental crisis,’ highlighted the crucial role of media in driving positive change, fostering dialogue, and holding decision-makers accountable.

The event, held in Koforidua in the Eastern Region, brought together experts from various fields to discuss the far-reaching impacts of climate change and environmental degradation.

Dr. John Kingsley Krugu, Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), emphasized the urgency of addressing these challenges, citing land degradation, water pollution, and climate change disasters as major concerns.

He noted that ‘the health of our planet and the well-being of future generations are at stake.’

He commended the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) for its vision and leadership in championing press freedom and environmental sustainability, as well as amplifying the voices of marginalized groups, holding decision-makers accountable, and driving meanin
gful change.

He also highlighted the core mandate of EPA as to protect, co-manage, and improve the environment in Ghana. As such, it is committed to collaborating closely with the GJA and other stakeholders to advance shared goals and objectives.

Source: Ghana News Agency