Farmers urged not to use mosquito nets to ferment cocoa beans

Cocoa farmers have been urged to desist from using mosquito nets and polythene bags to ferment cocoa beans.

They should rather continue to use plantain and banana leaves to ferment and preserve their cocoa beans to help maintain the quality of their produce.

Mr Emmanuel Kloboni, Adansi South District Cocoa Extension Officer, made the call at a farmers’ field school organized for cocoa farmers at Worakesemu, near Adansi Fumsu in the district.

He said the Ghanaian cocoa bean was noted for its premium quality, and there was the need for farmers to maintain that image to attract higher prices on the international cocoa market.

Mr Kloboni stressed the need for farmers to maintain farm hygiene and harvest their produce according to the approved methods and standards.

Mr Denis Okofo Darteh, District Cocoa Officer, urged the farmers to practice hand pollination to help make their cocoa trees to produce more pods.

He called on farmers to invest in their farms to benefit from increased yields and higher incomes.

Mr Darteh said the farmers needed to work hard to increase production since the price of cocoa had been increased substantially in order to earn more income to cater for their families.

Mr Francis Sogbo, whose farm was used for exhibition during the school, thanked the government for the new cocoa producer price and urged farmers to continue to work hard to increase their yields.

Source: Ghana News Agency