Draught players within the petroleum sector warm-up for PETFUN 2023

The time is drawing nearer, the clock is ticking fast, and who is going to win the draught trophy at the 2023 Petroleum Fun Games (PETFUN 2023) of the Association of Oil Marketing Companies (AOMCs) slated for August 26 at the Armed Forces Sports Complex, Burma Camp.

The teams lined up sheet for the draught competition for the PETFUN2023 made available to the Ghana News Agency Tema Regional Sports Desk are: GOIL Company PLC, Radiance Petroleum Limited, R and P Oil Company, Fuel Trade, Gab Energy, Grid Petroleum Ghana, Petro Sankofa, Frontier Oil Ghana, JP Trustees, and Strategic Energies.

The other teams are HUSS Petroleum, Superior Oil Company, Petronax Energy, Trinity Oil Company, Petrosol Ghana, Kabore Oil, Sawadigo Oil Company, Frimps Oil Company, Vivo Energy Ghana, ICON Energy, and Benab Oil Company.

The rest are Engen Ghana, the National Petroleum Authority, Cirrus Oil Services, TEL Energy, Trade-Cross, Desert Oil Ghana, Star Oil Company, IBM Petroleum, JO and JU Oil Company, ZEN Petroleum, and Aegis and Huille Company.

According to AOMC, organisers for PETFUN2023, five strong camps have emerged for the fun games: Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs); Liquefied Petroleum Gas Marketing Companies (LPGMCs); Bulk Import, Distributing, and Export Companies (BIDECs); Tank Farms; and the National Petroleum Authority (NPA).

Ghana News Agency Tema Regional Sports Desk information from the camps indicates that most of the draft teams have stopped normal duties and moved to a strategic location to sharpen their playing skills.

Now the stage is set for the companies to move their industry competition from the boardrooms and filling stations to the playing field. While the OMCs seek to dominate and pump more fuel into the game, the LPGMCs seek to withdraw gas from the system to suffocate the other teams, through which they will climb to victory.

On the other hand, BIFDECs remind both the OMCs and LPGMCs that ‘you beat any of our teams at your own peril,’ while the others scale up their bragging rights as the day approaches. Tanks Farms says they would not speak much but believe in action more than talk.

Meanwhile, the NPA has also issued a strong warning to all the teams: ‘Don’t forget, I am your regulator; if you disgrace me on the field, I will also get through to you one day’.

The GNA Tema Regional Sports Desk also picked up information that most of the Chief Executive Officers, group leaders, and executives are also preparing to storm the venue to offer their support to their various teams and renew their competition through games.

Now the stage is set for a fierce yet friendly competition at PETFUN 2023, as the teams would compete in swimming, Sack race, Tug of War, Draught, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Lime and Spoon, Playing Cards, Chewing of Apple, Ludo, and Football.

The thrilling events for PETFUN 2023 scheduled for Saturday, August 26, start from 06:15 hours to 17:00 hours at the Prestigious Armed Forces Sports Complex, Burma Camp.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency Tema Regional Sports Desk, Mr. Tizard Ansah, AOMC Risk Management Officer and PETFUN 2023 Coordinator, said that the balloting has set the scene for teams to pursue the route to each of the eleven trophies at stake.

‘Now that each OMCs, LPGMCs, BIDECs Tank Farms, and NPA is aware of their potential opponents and those who would stand in their way of winning a trophy, we anticipate a very keen but friendly competition,’ Mr. Ansah said.

To add excitement and strategy, he noted that most teams are not only preparing for the various events but are also planning their jama group to cheer for their individual teams to win.

Cheer groups, according to Mr. Ansah, have been a side attraction over the years, and ‘this year we expect supporters and cheerleaders to give us and their team something to enjoy.’

Source: Ghana News Agency