DPM & FM Demeke says Women’s Inclusion Vital to Achieve SDGs

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen, said women’s full inclusion in all aspects of society’s life is indispensable to meeting the global target of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in 2030.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen was speaking at the event that was organized by Ethiopia under the theme “Dealing Financial Inclusion for Women: Insights and Lessons from Ethiopia,” according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He stated at an event organised by the Ethiopian Permanent Mission to the UN and attended by UN member states and UN agency representatives that proper women’s representation is critical to tapping the country’s full potential.

The Government of Ethiopia is committed to ensuring sustainable growth by implementing financial inclusivity, he said.

The UN Women Deputy Executive Director, Moez Doraid, commended Ethiopia for taking this initiative and underlined the necessity of ensuring digital connectivity.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen is in New York participating at the 78th General Assembly of the UN.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency