Crop Prospects and Food Situation Quarterly Global Report No.4, December 2022

AFRICA Low crop production is expected in several East African countries, most pronouncedly in Somalia, due to the impact of consecutive years of drought. In West Africa, floods and conflicts are contributing tolocalized production shortfalls, stressing acutefood insecurity in Sahelian countries. Planting of the 2023 crops is underway in North Africa, where rainfall deficits persist in parts, and in Southern Africa, where initial seasonal rains have been generally beneficial.


ASIA Cereal production in Far East Asia is forecast at an above-average level in 2022, despite production downturns in several countries, notably Sri Lanka that has been experiencing a macroeconomic crisis. Planting of the 2023 crops is currently ongoing in Far East Asia, with preliminary expectations pointing to an above-average wheat area. In the Near East, dry weather conditions affected crop production in 2022, while in Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Asian countries aggregate production is pegged at a near-average level.


LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN In South America, prolonged dry weather conditions in Argentina have dragged down wheat production expectations. However, the total 2022 subregional cereal output is forecast at a well above-average level, reflecting the bumper maize harvests in several countries. The 2023 crops are now being sown and early data points to a record maize area in Brazil. In Central America and the Caribbean, 2022 cereal production is seen to dip below the average, including a low harvest in Haiti, where food insecurity is severely worsening due to widespread violence.



Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations