China Everything releases short video ‘A shared path to modernization’

China Everything recently has released a short video titled ‘A shared path to modernization,’ which tells the story of fruitful China-Africa cooperation and the everlasting friendship between the Chinese and African peoples.

China, the world’s largest developing country, and Africa, the continent with the largest concentration of developing countries, are closely linked by common development aspirations.

More than 2.8 billion Chinese and African people have joined hands in realizing modernization, from infrastructure to economic and trade exchanges, industrial upgrades to digital innovation, green development, public health cooperation and more. Together, they have written a new chapter of unity, worked toward common goals and embarked on a unique path of win-win cooperation.

The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation is being held in Beijing from September 4 to 6. Themed ‘Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future,’ the summit w
ill bring together the leadership of China and African countries to celebrate friendship, chart the way forward for cooperation and embark on a new journey toward modernization.

Source: Ghana News Agency