CAMFED-GHANA has launched a National Governance Structure for CAMFED’s Parent Association and Parent Support Group as part of the organisation’s strategic plan.

This is to strengthen partnerships amongst parents, schools, and the broader community to ensure the best possible outcomes for children, especially the girl-child.

Madam Clarn Tigenoah, the Head of Programmes, CAMFED-GHANA, at the launch, said it was about empowering communities to support the success of every child, especially girls, who often faced the greatest barriers to completing their education.

She said, the creation of a National Governance body would allow parents to actively contribute, collaborate, and advocate children’s education in a more organised and impactful way.

The governance structure would enable stakeholders to create an educational experience that was holistic, community-driven, and centred around the well-being of every child, especially in rural areas, he said.

Mr Martin Rex Kuunyem, the Senior Programmes Officer at C
AMFED-GHANA, who highlighted CAMFED’s strategic plan for 2024 to 2029, said learner guide was one of the key implementation strategies to transform prospects for young people in their communities and beyond.

He said, ‘it represents a formidable new force in strengthening the ties between schools and homes’.

As part of the launch, an election of national representatives was conducted to elect representatives to become the champions of parents’ voices working to strengthen the support system of CAMFED in schools and communities.

The elected officers were Madam Memunatu Gaddo as Chairperson, Madam Prespera Esana as Secretary and Mr Yakubu Idu Issahaq as Organiser.

Source: Ghana News Agency

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