Cabral Libii rejects joining a coalition supporting Kamto’s candidacy

Honorable Cabral Libii, the National President of the Cameroon Party for National Reconciliation, PCRN, has categorically rejected to join the Political Alliance for Change, APC, which nominated Maurice Kamto, president of the Movement for the Renaissance of Cameroon, MRC, as the coalition leader for the 2025 presidential election.

This decision follows the request of MP Jean Michel Nintcheu who invited Cabral Libii party’s participation in the MRC Convention in December 2023, where Maurice Kamto was reelected as head of the party and designated as a candidate.

Cabral finally responded via a publication on his X account in which he affirmed that his approach differs from that of the APC.

‘Opposition parties create the Transitional Coalition. After public consultation of the main social bodies and unions, they published the Document of the Mutualized Transitional Political Offer (DOPMT). Then they choose the transition candidate’ explained Cabral Libii.

This opposition split underscores tensions and strat
egic disparities among political actors as the 2025 elections approach, reflecting the complex and evolving political dynamics in Cameroon.

Source: Cameroon News Agency