Bamenda: shop owners at main market assess losses with commission

The commission in charge of the Bamenda main market fire incident has begun the damage assessment for compensation and reconstruction to follow soon.

The delegation, headed by the Senior Divisional Officer for Mezam, Simon Emile Mooh, City Mayor – Paul Achobong together with authorities of the city council and market masters were on the site, Wednesday February 28th.

Present at the site were shop owners who stood by with identification documents, testifying their rights of ownership and declaring the cost of the content of their shops.

The team then took record of the damages and promised those who are affected that further information on compensation will be made available in the days ahead.

According to Mayor Paul Achobong, the damaged structures will be brought down for a befitting market to be constructed.

‘A commission has already been created to redesign the market that will remain in standard even 50 years after,’ Mayor Achobong said.

The assessment is expected to go on for days, meanwhile no dat
e has been pronounced yet for reconstruction to start.

Source: Cameroon News Agency