Ambazonia leader calls for unity, peace among groups’Prosperity Awaits BRICS in 2024′: Experts

The leader of the Ambazonia Separatist movement, fighting for the independence of the North West and South West regions, Sisiku Julius Ayuktabe, has called on all factions to shun division and work for the common good of their people.

In a New Year message posted on his Facebook page from jail, Sisiku said, ‘Amid the internal division, sibling-rivalry, confusion, power-tussle, and contradictions, we need to work tirelessly and ceaselessly to build bridges of understanding rather than creating walls of further division and internal conflict. More than ever before, we need unity of purpose. I prayed with us all to work together for peace, for mutual respect, and for an outpouring of love for all of Ambazonia’s children.’

Recently, the Separatist movements have been divided over defense and diplomatic strategy while some groups consider others as inferior, black-legs, spies, and agents. This has led to the creation of four different Interim Governments. Sisiku is the leader of the first Interim Government that
was created in 2017 and declared independence on October 1, the same year.

But since his arrest alongside 9 others in Nigeria on January 5, 2018, they have not been able to fully exercise their duties as leaders. The Nera 10, as popularly called, are now at the Kondengui maximum prison serving life jail terms.

But Sisiku has now said, that 2024 is time for reconciliation and progress, ‘Now, to each member of our fight for freedom, I say: Stay on the covenant path. Whether you are moving along the path or have shipped from it or you can’t see the path from where you are, I plead with you to remain steadfast. Your commitment to doing what is right, by making covenants with our people and then keeping those covenants will open the door to every spiritual blessing available to the people of Ambazonia,’ a statement read.

According to Sisiku, staying in jail for close to seven years now is a huge sacrifice but encouraging because ‘We are fighting to give our children and theirs a nation that they can call their
own; something which none of us now can say within LRC.’

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Russia takes over the BRICS presidency on Monday, with Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia beginning to participate fully.

Sputnik Africa discussed with experts the direction the expanded bloc will take under the Russian presidency in 2024.

The 16th BRICS summit in 2024, chaired by Russia, which aims to lead the bloc toward a new model of world order, is poised for prosperity, political scientist Ruhollah Modabber, told Sputnik.

“Russia’s intention to implement its program in 2024 will bring BRICS closer to a new model of world order. Initiatives in the field of science, food security, infrastructure and medicine are being discussed within the BRICS framework, and prosperity awaits BRICS in 2024,” the expert noted.

He added that Russia adheres to the principle in its foreign policy, and therefore, today many countries want to join BRICS.

Moreover, the bloc provides a platform within which countries in the Global South can interact, Modabber opined.

The expert explained that
BRICS today is not only focused on economic cooperation, but is also “changing the world order.”

This year’s BRICS summit in Russia could spark discussions about increasing the group’s influence through greater cohesion among the new BRICS members, Prof. Patrick Bond, Distinguished Professor and Director of the Centre for Social Change, University of Johannesburg, said.

In addition, the expert, commenting on the bloc’s prospects for this year, expressed hope that BRICS expansion will continue, including through the incorporation of African countries.

He pointed out that African countries need to move more coherently to have a free trade bloc and to have more economies of scale as a trade bloc.

The government of Ethiopia has expressed readiness to play a constructive role in promoting peace and prosperity as a new member of the BRICS family in collaboration with all its members.

Guided by its long-held principles and rich history of multilateralism, the statement issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs reit
erated that ‘Ethiopia remains committed and ready to play a constructive role in promoting peace and prosperity as a new member of the BRICS family in collaboration with all its members.’

Source: Ethiopian News Agency