NPP presidential candidate to provide streetlights to communities at Ehi

Mr Enoch Kwabla Amegbletor, the parliamentary aspirant of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) for Ketu North Constituency, Volta Region, has assured the chiefs and people of the Ehi Community in the constituency of providing streetlight for communities in the area before the Ehi Nutome Gali Festival.

Installing streetlights in every community was a top priority for this year’s festival, he said, and pledged to complete the task before the festival commenced.

Mr Amegbletor, in a goodwill message during the launch of the ‘2024 Ehi Nutome Gali Za’ (Festival) over the weekend at Adelakoekorfe in the Volta Region, said the project had already begun.

He said he remained committed to supporting the Ehi Development Council with 1,400 electricity poles needed for the extension of power to the town and providing the necessary electricity meters for every household to have access to electricity.

Regarding road infrastructure, he mentioned that contractors were currently working on the Ehi to Penyi Road, which would be com
pleted and commissioned by October.

Mr Amegbletor promised to improve the Anlo-Afiadenyigba to Metrikasa road and make the Ehi-Adelakoekorfe road motorable before the festival.

On youth empowerment, he announced plans to provide skills training for 20 youth in every electoral area, totaling 800 youths in the constituency and pledged to equip them with working tools.

Currently, more than 120 youth are already enrolled in such training programmes where he announced an upcoming training session on livestock rearing and urged everyone to participate.

Through the Ehi Development Council, Mr Amegbletor said he was committed to renewing and enrolling 400 members onto the National Health Insurance Scheme during the festival.

The annual Ehi Nutome Gali Za, which celebrates the production of gari, a staple food in the West African Sub-Region, would take place in the last week of September with a climax on the last Saturday of the month.

It is on the theme; ‘Rallying for Development.’

Source: Ghana News Agency