Int’l Conference on Ethiopian Economy Underway in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa: The 21st international conference on the Ethiopian Economy is taking place in Addis Ababa with the objective of highlighting innovative solutions and promoting collaboration to unlock potential and tackle challenges.

The two-day conference, organized by the Ethiopian Economic Association in collaboration with partners, is mainly aimed at facilitating economic discussions, highlight innovative solutions, disseminate research findings and promote collaboration and networking.

According to the association, the participants of the high-level conference will engage in discussions on current economic trends, challenges and opportunities in Ethiopia, sharing research findings and policy recommendations.

The conference will showcase innovative approaches, to economic, social and environmental issues, encouraging creative strategies to address challenges.

Accordingly, regrading disseminating research findings, the conference targeted to effectively share research findings with stakeholders including p
olicymakers, practitioners and the public to maximize impact.

On promoting collaboration and networking, it aims to foster connections among academics, researches, policymakers, and industry professionals to promote idea exchange and drive economic development in Ethiopia.

Government officials, researchers, academics, EEA members, and partners, among others are attending the conference.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency