Kwesi Pratt to deliver 12th Atta Mills Commemorative Lecture

Mr Kwesi Pratt Junior, the Managing Editor of the Insight Newspaper, will deliver the 12th John Evans Atta Mills Commemorative Anniversary Lecture as part of activities to celebrate the legacies of the late President.

The lecture, scheduled to be held in Accra on July 19, 2024, would be chaired by Justice Sophia Akuffo, a former Chief Justice.

The leadership of the John Evans Atta Mills Memorial Heritage told journalists in Accra on Thursday that the ceremony would also witness the launch of a book titled: ‘Atta Mills around the Regions’.

The book, the Organisation said, was a compilation of all the lectures delivered in the 16 regions of the country as part of the year-long celebration of the 10th anniversary of the death of President Mills.

Mr Alex Segbefia, Chairman, J.E.A. Mills Memorial Heritage, said a wreath laying ceremony and memorial service would be held at the Asomdwee Park, near the Independence Square on 24th July, 2024 – in commemoration of the day President Mills died in 2012.

‘On 27th Ju
ly, 2024 at 8:30a.m, the President John Evans Atta Mills Memorial Hockey Tournament will be held at the Theodosia Okoh Hockey Stadium in Accra,’ he added.

The J.E.A. Mills Memorial Heritage is a non-profit, non- partisan organisation, which seeks to preserve and build on the legacies of the late President John Evans Atta Mills.

It was established in 2022 by a group of academics, professional colleagues, students, family and appointees of President Mills.

The late J.E.A. Mills served as President from January 08, 2009 to July 24, 2012 – the day he died.

Mr Segbefia said the ideals and virtues of President Mills remained relevant particularly in the areas of national unity and cohesion, servant leadership, and combatting corruption.

He said since the launch of the J.E.A. Mills Memorial Heritage, the Organisation had organised several activities, including annual commemorative lectures and launched five publications on Prof. J.E A. Mills.

‘The activities organised by the Memorial Heritage have been success
ful, and we are grateful to Ghanaians for heavily patronising the annual memorial lectures, the regional lectures, the hockey tournaments, and for purchasing the five publications of Prof. Mills,’ Mr Segbefia said.

Source: Ghana News Agency