In the bustling neighborhood of Dla IV (Bonaberi), there is growing concern over the conduct of council police officers, whose actions have become a source of distress for residents of all ages. Reports indicate that these untrained personnel, often supported by some police and gendarmes, are engaging in actions that violate the rights of citizens.

Unlawful Vehicle Seizures

One of the most troubling issues is how these officers target vehicles. Residents report that stopping briefly by the roadside, even to answer a phone call or conduct a quick transaction, can lead to unwarranted harassment. Officers are known to stop drivers while they are still in their cars with the engine running, seize their documents, and, in many cases, tow their vehicles away. The owners are then compelled to pay exorbitant fines, starting from 25,000 francs CFA, to retrieve their cars.

Allegations of Corruption

The situation is further exacerbated by allegations that the fines collected are not entirely accounted for through of
ficial channels. Instead, there are claims that these sums are shared among the officers, raising serious questions about corruption and misuse of authority. Fear of retaliation has left many residents feeling helpless, as any attempt to speak out against these practices risks being met with further harassment.

A Call for Government Intervention

This lamentation raises a critical question for the leadership of Cameroon: Did the head of state, known for his dedication to the welfare of the country, authorize such conduct? Douala IV (Bonaberi) ‘s citizens call for a thorough investigation into these practices. They seek assurances that the powers vested in law enforcement are not being abused and that their rights will be protected.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

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