Moyale Field Cross-border Coordination Office in Ethiopia-Kenya Border Areas to be Inagurated

The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) announced that it will inaugurate the IGAD Moyale Field Cross-border Coordination Office in Moyale-Moyale (Ethiopia-Kenya) cross border areas on Friday.

This IGAD office in Moyale will be mandated to facilitate cross border cooperation actors, local government institutions and communities in their respective clusters to foster cooperation around a common programming agenda, especially delivering social services to host communities, refugees, and migrants.

The event will also include the launch of the implementation of IGAD Regional Migration Fund (RMF) Infrastructures activities and share the accomplishments of the IGAD intervention on cash and livelihoods under SIMPI project and launch of the cross-border community-based migration network among others.

The participants at the launching event will be drawn from both Ethiopia and Kenya various government structures at various levels and local communities from Moyale area, according to information obtained from IGAD.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency