EU Donates 18 Vehicles to Ministry of Justice

Addis Ababa: The European Union has donated 18 vehicles for field work to the Ministry of Justice in an effort to improve the criminal justice system in Ethiopia.

European Union Deputy Head of Delegation to Ethiopia, David Krivanek handed over the keys to Justice Minister Gideon Timothewos today.

The 18 vehicles were purchased and delivered to Ministry of Justice in accordance with the agreement reached between the two parties to improve the criminal justice system in Ethiopia, it was learned.

It was noted on the occasion that the vehicles will be of great help in streamlining the field work carried out by the ministry to investigate the violation of human rights within the framework of the reform of Ethiopia’s criminal justice system.The handover ceremony was held in the presence of the project’s support staff and senior officials of the Ministry of Justice.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Deputy PM Expresses Government’s Strong Commitment to Substitute Import of Medical Supplies

Addis Ababa: Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh said the local medical products manufacturing and innovation exhibition, held in Addis Ababa over the last six days, has promoted Ethiopia’s investment opportunities and the county’s potential in the sector.

Local Medical Products Manufacturing and Innovation Exhibition, opened by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on the 22nd of June, was officially closed today in the presence of high ranking government officials and stakeholders in the sector.

On the occasion, Deputy PM Temesgen said the expo has demonstrated the commitment of the government to enhancing local manufacturing of medical products and ensure import substitution in the sector.

The expansion of local medical supplies products is vital to Ethiopia not only to free from the dependency of import products but also instrumental to enhancing the health of its citizens, he underlined.

The stride being demonstrated by the government to improving the national health system emanates from the country’s broad g
oals to create a healthy nation important to ensuring prosperity, Temesgen underscored.

According to him, Ethiopia was importing 92 percent of its medical supplies with significant foreign exchange up until last year.

However, Temesgen said the government has brought positive achievements following its measures with a view to increasing the share of local medical supply products which has now reached 36 percent. He also revealed that Ethiopia has been exporting medical products to 35 countries.

The Deputy Prime Minister affirmed that Ethiopia will soon become self-sufficient in medical supplies if it continues with the current pace to encourage local manufacturing.

He further stressed the need to give a great deal of attention to product quality and global acceptance noting the presence of conducive policies to encourage the sector and attract investment.

The exhibition, held under the theme “Our Health by Our Products,” with the objective to boost the local medical supplies manufacturing, has been visit
ed by over 100, 000 citizens during the past six days.

The exhibition has showcased Ethiopia’s healthcare investment opportunities as well as domestically produced medical products and services.

Some 107 manufacturers from the sector have participated in the exhibition, which also featured networking opportunities for investors, panel discussions, and other programs.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

World Gem Foundation Graduates 1st Generation of Career Gemologists in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa: The World Gem Foundation’s Africa Project has today graduated the first generation of career gemologists in Ethiopia.

Some 12 graduates, who passed through rigorous theoretical and practical skill for over the past 11 months, received their diploma from Minister of Mines Habtamu Tegegn today.

Project Africa is an initiative by the World Gem Foundation to create a ‘Value Chain’ that will be self-sustaining and ensure that those living in gem producing areas benefit economically from the mining and processing of their gemstones.

Speaking at the occasion, the Minister said that the graduate will play immense role to transform the sector by exploiting the untapped potential of minerals in the country.

He added that Ethiopia has more than 40 types of different precious minerals that need to be utilized through advanced technologies.

Habtamu explained that due to lack of professionals, the country has exported several tonnes minerals to international markets without value addition.

Founder and CE
O of World Gem Foundation, Geoffrey Dominy said ‘our Value Chain’ will include centres of excellence so that students can study gemology, gem faceting and jewelry making.

The CEO stated that through the establishment of World Gem Foundation Gem Testing Laboratories, World Gem Foundation will ensure that gemstones are correctly identified, graded and traced to their original source.

Gemology is the science of studying, cutting, and valuing precious stones.

Certified gemologists are rare in Ethiopia and the country is unable to make use of its mineral and gemstone resources, it was learned.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PMO Advises Public to be Cautious of Fake Content Pertaining to MOU with Somaliland

Addis Ababa: The Office of the Prime Minister advised the public to be cautious of fake content that is currently circulating online pertaining to an MOU with Somaliland.

Official communications regarding local, regional, and international matters are only disseminated through the PMO’s official channels.

‘We urge everyone to remain vigilant against such fake content that misuses our official logo,’ Office of the Prime Minister added.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s Council of Ministers Approves Draft Bills, Policies

Addis Ababa: In a wide-ranging session held today, Ethiopia’s Council of Ministers has approved bills and policies aimed at reforming various sectors of the country’s economy and governance.

The council, in its 37th ordinary session held today greenlit a new Animal Health and Welfare Proclamation, designed to boost Ethiopia’s international livestock trade by implementing stricter health monitoring and disease control measures.

Office of the Prime Minister said in a statement that the draft bill is prepared to identify the overall resources of livestock, protect livestock health and safety as well as preventing the transmissions of diseases from animal to human and human to animal.

It also aspires to institute a viable system to adequately control transboundary animal diseases and ensure livestock development.

This move is expected to enhance the country’s competitiveness in global markets while safeguarding animal welfare and ensuring the economic benefits of stakeholders in the sector.

The Council has d
iscussed on the draft bill and unanimously referred it to the House of Peoples Representative for approval.

In a step towards protecting Ethiopian workers abroad, the council has also approved the ratification of a labor agreement signed between the governments of Ethiopia with Kuwait.

This agreement will provide legal protections for Ethiopian domestic workers in the Gulf state, addressing longstanding concerns about worker rights and safety.

The Council referred the agreement, which is also believed to enhance the bilateral relations of the two countries, to the House of Peoples Representative for approval.

The Council has also discussed on draft policy of Cybersecurity which has been developed with a view to make the previous policy compatible to the existing global, continental and national situations.

These measures aim to enhance the country’s preparedness for the digital age and improve online security for both public and private sectors.

In a forward-looking move, the council also approved Ethio
pia’s first National Artificial Intelligence Policy.

This strategic document outlines the country’s approach to developing and implementing AI technologies across various domains, from entertainment to national security.

The Council has unanimously decided for the policies to be effective immediately.

Healthcare was another major focus of the session. The council approved a new Health Proclamation to improve access to medical services, as well as establishing a Medicine Fund and Ethiopian Medicine Supply Service. These initiatives are designed to ensure a steady supply of affordable, quality medications to the public.

Finally, recognizing the importance of sustainable healthcare financing, the council passed a comprehensive Health Finance Strategy.

This plan aims to secure consistent funding for Ethiopia’s healthcare system, aligning with global sustainable development goals.

The Council has discussed on the bills and unanimously referred them to the House for approval.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency