NDC is focusing on winning 2024 polls and unfazed about opponents- Abu Kansangbata

Mr Abu Kansangbata, former Deputy Upper West regional Minister has stated that the National Democratic Congress was unfazed about the toxic political path being pursued by opponents in the run-up to the 2024 polls.

‘NDC is focusing on winning the 2024 polls through good campaigning process interlaced good policies and will therefore not meddle in mud slinging to win power.’

Reacting to political commentators on the political career of former President John Dramani Mahama Mr Kansangbata described them as deceptive and arrogant, arguing that such rhetorics undermined the achievements of Mahama’s administration and disrespected his legacy.

He emphasized Mahama’s comprehensive political experience, noting his progression from an assemblyman to a member of parliament, deputy minister, minister of state, Vice President, and ultimately President of Ghana.

He argued that Mahama was a transformational and authentic leader, well-prepared for the presidency through his years of public service.

Mr Kansangbata descri
bed Mahama as a respected figure in sub-Saharan Africa who had received numerous accolades for his leadership both during and after his presidency.

A significant portion of Kansangbata’s rebuttal focused on economic indicators and achievements during Mahama’s tenure.

He highlighted that under Mahama, access to electricity in Ghana increased significantly citing that electricity access rose from 60.5% in 2008 to 83.24% in 2016, indicating a nearly 4% annual increase.

He contrasted this with the current administration’s performance, noting that under President Akufo-Addo, electricity coverage had only managed a 5.6% increase compared to Mahama’s 22.74%

Mr Kansangbata also addressed the issue of national debt, pointing out that Ghana’s debt-to-GDP ratio had surged past 100% under the current administration, up from 57% during Mahama’s presidency. He argued that this significant increase in debt, along with a rise in the budget deficit from 6.6% to 15% and inflation from 15% to 23.1%, reflected poorly on the
current government’s economic management.

‘ In 2016, under Mahama’s administration, the cedi to dollar exchange rate was GHS 3.7 to USD 1. However, under the current NPP government, it has risen to GHS 15.3 to USD 1.

Mr Kansangbata defended Mahama’s leadership style, describing him as a leader who was genuinely committed to the development of Ghana and underscored Mahama’s efforts in improving infrastructure, healthcare, and education. According to Kansangbata, Mahama’s administration made significant strides in building roads, hospitals, and schools, which laid a foundation for sustainable development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Bawumia submits Opoku Prempeh’s name as Running Mate to President

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, Flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has presented the name of Energy Minister, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, aka NAPO, as his Running Mate to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

Sources close to the presidency said a meeting was held Tuesday night at the Jubilee House where Dr Bawumia sought advice from President Akufo-Addo regarding his choice of a Running Mate.

The NPP Flagbearer is expected to meet with the Party’s Council to formally present his choice. If accepted, a formal announcement will follow.

Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, 56, is currently the Minister for Energy and Member of Parliament for Manhyia South Constituency – a seat he has occupied since 2008.

Born on Thursday, 23rd May, 1968, Dr Prempeh is a native of PAKYI-NO 2, in the Ashanti Region.

He is a former Minister of Education and a Medical Doctor.

He had his post-Graduate studies at the Netherlands Institute of Health Sciences and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

He also studied Human B
iology and Medicine at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.

Prior to joining Parliament in 2009, Dr Prempeh served as Chief Executive Officer of Keyedmap Security Services Limited from 2004 to 2009 and as a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of the United Kingdom from 1999 to 2003, serving the National Health Service, United Kingdom as Senior Health Officer.

Dr Prempeh also had a short stint at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital as a Medical Officer from 1995 to 1997.

In his last four terms in Parliament, Dr Prempeh served on several Parliamentary Committees such as Health, Appointments, Special Budget, and Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation.

President Akufo-Addo appointed Dr Prempeh as Minister of Education in January 2017 and he subsequently served as a Member of Cabinet.

President Akufo-Addo, at the commencement of his second term in 2021, named Dr Prempeh as the Minister of Energy.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Election 2024: Political Parties urged to engage in clean politics

Mr Nicolas Gborse, a political analyst in the Volta Region, has urged the various political parties to practice a clean campaign devoid of insults before, during, and after the December polls.

This, according to him, would promote peaceful coexistence, unity, togetherness, tolerance, and respect for democracy.

Mr Gborse, who made the appeal in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, urged political parties to focus on good policies that would put the country on a path of progress and prosperity.

The policies, he said, include health, infrastructure, agriculture, sports, and others.

‘The days of insult in politics are over. We have gone above that. What many are expecting now is good policies that would change their lives for the best,’ he said.

Mr Gborse further stated the winner-take-all in the Ghanaian governance system should be made to allow for the participation of experts in the various fields from the opposition parties.

‘Former President Kuffour brought others from different political parties i
nto his administration during his tenure in office, but the fear currently is that there is a lot of mistrust for one another.’

He also debunked the call by others to increase the tenure of governance from four years to five years.

Mr Gborse argued that the four-year system of governance was enough for political parties to make an impact and develop the nation.

He charged all eligible voters to exhibit the spirit of political tolerance and vote based on policies of political parties with a clean campaign devoid of insult to sustain the peace and unity Ghanaians are currently enjoying.

Mr Gborse urged the Electoral Commission (EC) to a conduct clean and transparent exercise to avoid speculations and rumour from political parties.

Ghanaians would go to the poll on December 7 this year to elect their various Parliamentary candidates and a Presidential candidate to lead the country for a four-year term.

Source: Ghana News Agency

MoH to meet leadership of MELPWU for negotiation

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has invited the Medical Laboratory Professional Workers’ Union (MELPWU) to a negotiation meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

Dr Cephas Kofi Akortor, General Secretary, MELPWU, said the invitation showed good faith by their Employer to reflect the orders given by the National Labour Commission (NLC) on 20th June 2024.

The NLC had directed that the Employer and the Union meet and negotiate the outstanding issues by Wednesday 26th June 2024 and report to the NLC on Thursday at 2:30 pm.

General Secretary, said the Union would honour the invitation in readiness to negotiate, with the expectation that the Employer’s Team would secure the appropriate mandate before the meeting to help resolve the impasse.

Meanwhile, laboratory facilities are in full operation on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, after the MELPWU suspended its five-day nationwide strike.

Mr John Kofi Nakoja, Chairman of the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital Chapter of MELPWU, confirmed that all members were at post and busily workin

‘All laboratories in Korle-Bu, including the Central laboratory and blood banks are working in full capacity serving the ordinary Ghanaian, as you can see, everywhere is getting busy, our clients are coming and the Hospital has life again,’ he stated.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Stakeholders call on GHS to address growing indiscipline of health workers

Stakeholders in the health sector have raised concerns about the ‘unruly’ behaviour of some health workers, which is affecting people’s interest to visit public health facilities for medical care in the Bono Region.

They expressed worry that the growing level of indiscipline among some young medical officers and nurses working in public health facilities could slow down progress in quality health care delivery, if not tackled proactively.

The stakeholders, including the clergy, transport unions, Muslim leaders and civil society actors raised the concerns at an engagement meeting on immunization and Out-Patient Attendance (OPD) in Sunyani.

Organised by the Bono Regional Directorate of Health, the engagement meeting sought to seek the support of the stakeholders to improve immunization coverage and the declining level of OPD attendance in the region.

The stakeholders, therefore, called on the Ghana Health Service (GHS) to check and address the concerns and other unprofessional behaviour being exhibited by s
ome of the health workers for improved health outcomes.

According to them, the contemporary ‘protocol list’ associated with the admission of students into medical school and nursing training institutions was contributing to the problem.

The Reverend Michael Konadu Boateng, an Associate Pastor, Sunyani Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, called on the GHS to check the uncontrolled use of mobile phones by health professionals while on duty.

He said the GHS ought to do more and address the alleged public concerns about neglect of patients at some public and private health facilities too.

Rev Boateng said it was unfortunate that nowadays many nurses and other health workers do not have passion, but rather enter the profession just to make ends meet.

Mr Peter Kavaare, the Bono Regional Treasurer of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) observed that the negligence and unprofessional behaviour of some nurses and medical officers were becoming alarming in the country.

‘Because of protocol, students who have
the passion for the profession are always denied admission,’ he stated, and called on the GHS to tackle it too.

Nana Bofo Bene IV, the Paramount Chief of Dwenem Traditional Area in the Jaman South Municipality, also advised parents and guardians to desist from forcing and pushing their children into the health profession.

He expressed worry that because some parents forced them, their children enter into the health profession without any passion for the career and also disregarded ethics as well.

‘Ghana is for all of us, and we must be bold enough to stand against issues, inimical to our growth and development,’ the chief stated.

As the embodiment of the people, Nana Bene IV, called on the GHS to strengthen relationships with traditional authorities and help improve quality healthcare provision in the local communities.

Nana Ama Gyankomah, the Bono Regional Promotion Officer, indicated that patients also had their rights, and entreated the stakeholders to endeavour to report indiscipline health workers f
or action to be taken against them.

Earlier, Dr Prince Quarshie, the Deputy Director, Public Health, Bono Regional Health Directorate, expressed worry about the decline in immunization and OPD attendance in the region over the past three years.

He, therefore, called on the stakeholders to support the GHS to intensify public education on the relevance of immunization for the region to improve coverage and avert the outbreak of child-killer diseases.

Source: Ghana News Agency