There is peace at Tano North-MCE

Mr. Ernest Kwarteng, the Tano North Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), has stated that the security situation in the area was very stable.

Mr Kwarteng, during his address at a general committee meeting at Duayaw Nkwanta in the Tano North Municipality, stated that peace and stability were fundamental for the growth and development of any society.

He commended the security agencies in the Municipality for their relentless efforts at maintaining law and order in the area and hoped it would be sustained.

The MCE appealed to the people to prioritise development in the area and desist from partisan politics.

He urged them to be united, objective and fair in prosecuting its developmental agenda, to ensure the Municipality’s progress and the nation in general.

Touching on preparations for this year’s general elections, Mr Kwarteng disclosed that a total of 2,479 eligible voters from 18 years and above, were registered by the Electoral Commission while 1,443 persons were able to transfer their votes in the just-end
ed electoral processes.

He expressed satisfaction with the peaceful manner in which the exercises were carried out and indicated that a credible voter register would ensure fair, orderly and peaceful elections in the 2024 general election.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Police yet to receive Bill of Indictment on Benlord and another over slain soldier

The police have not yet received the Bill of Indictment in the case of Nana Barima Ababio, also known as Benlord Ababio, who allegedly shot and killed a soldier over a land dispute at Kasoa.

Upon receipt, the Bill of Indictment would be served on the accused and the court. It would also enable the court to commence committal proceedings for the defendants to stand trial at the High Court.

Detective Inspector Samuel Adu Berchie told the court that the accused, namely Benlord Ababio and Nana Amo Kofi Kwakye, were not brought to court on Thursday because of security reasons.

The prosecution said that the police received information that the deceased soldier’s family planned to storm the courtroom while he was being laid to rest today.

The court therefore adjourned the matter to July 4, 2024.

It also ordered the police to release the deceased’s vehicle to his family.

Benlord, a self-styled traditional ruler, and Kwakye have been put before the Achimota District Court for their alleged involvement in the mur
der of Lance Corporal Michael Danso.

When the police forwarded the docket to the Attorney General’s office for advice, it recommended that Benlord be charged with murder.

The Attorney General further recommended that Benlord and Kwakye be charged jointly with conspiracy.

The court has, however, preserved their pleas.

The prosecution’s case was that on April 30, 2024, at around 1600 hours, Lance Corporal Michael Danso and two colleagues, Lance Corporals Abdul Omar Rahman and Ametus Matthew, drove to Millenium City Police Station in a Toyota RAV4 vehicle to report a trespass.

They were informed that some encroachers were developing a parcel of land belonging to Lance Corporal Abdul Omar Rahman.

Benlord appeared at the police station, attacked, and opened fire on Lance Corporal Michael Danso, who was driving the vehicle, killing him instantly.

Benlord was disarmed by the police and arrested for investigations.

The police later arrested Kwakye after running investigations.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Local Government Minister inspects ongoing infrastructural projects in Northern Region

Mr Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah, Minister for Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, on Wednesday inspected various projects under the Ghana Secondary Cities Support Project, and the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO) in the Northern Region to assess progress of work on them.

Various infrastructural projects are at various stages of completion under the project which is meant to improve socio-economic well-being of the people.

They include the construction of two-storey 60 lockable stores at the Yendi Central Market, paving of walkways, car and lorry park and the construction of 0.45-kilometre (km) Kumfong-link Road and the provision of pedestrian lanes in the Yendi Municipality.

The others are the construction of 0.9-km road with drains, road markings, streetlights at Kataraga off the Tamale-Kumbungu Road, construction of two-storey 40 lockable stores, two-storey 24 lockable stores, two-storey banking facility and paving of lorry park at Jinsonayili, as well as an addi
tional two-storey 22 lockable stores, Police Post, creche, clinic, 72 stalls, butchery, and the rehabilitation of washrooms at Jinsonayili in the Sagnarigu Municipality.

The rest are the construction of an astro turf at Zogbeli Junior High School in the Tamale Metropolis, and a CHPS Compound with three-bed accommodation for staff and a two-seater KVIP at Gambuga in the Nanumba North Municipality.

Mr Korsah, who interacted with the press at Gambuga in the Nanumba North Municipality after the inspection, expressed satisfaction with the progress of work on some of the projects and said they would soon be completed to serve the needs of the people.

He was impressed at the level of work on the Gambuga Health facility, which was 95 per cent complete, saying it would help ensure quality health care delivery for residents.

He, however, was unhappy at the rate of work on the astro turf in the Tamale Metropolis and warned the contractor that the Ministry would consider all legal means to terminate the contract.

said, ‘The project (astro turf) was scheduled to be completed in May, this year. We are in June with only 30% of work done with no commitment to the terms of the contract. Obviously, we have to consider terminating it to save the situation.’

Mr Korsah appealed to the contractors on the projects to speed up work to deliver on time, saying government would not hesitate to terminate their contracts and reward them to ensure that they were completed on time to serve their intended purpose.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NGO builds capacity of smallholder women farmers on access to marketing opportunities

The Widows and Orphans Movement (WOM), a gender-focused organisation in collaboration with ActionAid Ghana, has trained leaders of smallholder women farmers’ groups in the Talensi District of the Upper East Region on access to marketing opportunities for their farm produce.

The leaders, drawn from 10 communities of the district, were equipped with ways they could create a market for their farm produce, take advantage of technology to market their produce and adopt best agricultural practices to maintain soil fertility for high yields.

They were also taken through a variety of seeds available and adaptable to their soil, as well as other agriculture projects at their disposal that they could benefit from, including access to farm input.

The training formed part of the Green Economy project aimed at promoting food security and climate change resilience.

Ms Nancy Awinbisa Amiziah, the Project Officer, WOM, said the sensitisation became necessary following concerns by the smallholder farmers over their lack o
f information about high-yielding crops and market opportunities for their products.

‘We work with these women groups, and during one of our meetings with them last year, it came out that most of them do not have information on which crops were in high demand and readily available for the market, and so they end up producing crops that they find it difficult to sell,’ she stated.

This, she said, coupled with the fact that the women had limited access to land and considering how they could maximise those lands to get higher yields to support their families and earn income for themselves, occasioned the collaborations of the two organisations to help them make informed decisions.

‘The main aim is to inform them about cropping, and that is why we have organised this training in this period of the season so that the women would know whatever crops they should go for to enable them to make profit out of their produce to support their families,’ she added.

Mr Matthew Sulemana, the Talensi District Director of t
he Department of Agriculture, reiterated that his outfit was open to assisting the farmers reach a larger market and urged them to reach out for assistance.

He also emphasised that agriculture projects, including the government’s Planting for Food and Jobs, the Ghana Landscape Restoration and Small Scale Mining project, and the Food System Resilience project, were there to benefit smallholder farmers and encourage them to take advantage.

Madam Beatrice Saa, the President of the Upper East Regional Widows Network and Leader of the Wakii Women Group, said the training had exposed her to a lot of things she was unaware of and would be beneficial to her and the members of her group.

She, however, bemoaned that access to land and tractor services were major problems affecting their farming activities.

‘As women, we don’t have access to good land. Last year, for instance, I wanted to farm, and they gave me an outer place where monkeys are, so the monkeys, together with cattle destroyed my crops,’ she said.

urce: Ghana News Agency

ECOWAS Court President Receives West African Law Students Association, Ghana Chapter

The President of the Community Court of Justice, ECOWAS, Honourable Justice Edward Amoako Asante, has met with the Executive Committee of the West African Law Students Association (WALSA), Ghana Chapter.

The meeting was held during the Sensitization and Training of Lawyers and Government Agents on the use of the ECOWAS Court Electronic Case Management System (ECMS) held in Accra Ghana between 14th and 19th June 2024.

The WALSA Ghana Chapter, led by the International Vice President Prince Roland Diamond Okorie, joined Justice Asante and other distinguished dignitaries for the three-day sensitization and training programme for the anglophone Lawyers and Government Agents held in Accra-Ghana between 14th and 19th June 2024.

At the sideline of the programme, the WALSA Executive Committee paid a courtesy visit to the President of the ECOWAS Court. The Association shared their vision, mission, and objectives with the President and underscored their commitment to advance justice and build a more connected West Af
rica. Thereafter, the Association extended an invitation to Justice Asante to attend their conference scheduled for October 2024 in Abuja, Nigeria.

The President of the ECOWAS Court of Justice, Honourable Justice Edward Amoako Asante, welcomed members of the Association and expressed his pleasure in meeting such a dedicated group of future legal professionals.

He enjoined the Association to stay focused on delivering on their objectives and shared valuable insights and ideas on how they could continue to advance their mission and goals.

He concluded by pledging his support to the Association.

The interaction with the President of the ECOWAS Court was a significant and an enriching experience for the WALSA members. The Association looks forward to future opportunities to engage with the ECOWAS Court of Justice, as they continue to grow and evolve in their legal careers and education.

Source: Ghana News Agency