Sahara: Burkina Faso Reaffirms Support for Autonomy Plan, “Best Solution”

United Nations – Burkina Faso reiterated, in New York, its support for the Moroccan autonomy initiative, “the best solution” to the regional dispute around the Sahara.

“Burkina Faso reaffirms its support for the Moroccan Autonomy Initiative, for which the Security Council welcomed Morocco’s credible efforts because it is convinced that this initiative remains the best offer to resolve this dispute,” underlined the Representative permanent representative of Burkina Faso at the UN, ambassador Oumarou Ganou during the ordinary session of the UN Committee of 24 (June 10-21).

He noted that the autonomy plan, which is consistent with international law, the United Nations Charter and the resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly, “undoubtedly constitutes a realistic and reliable alternative” for the resolution of this dispute.

In addition, the diplomat welcomed the international dynamic reflected by the effective opening of around thirty Consulates General in the region, including that of Burki
na Faso in Dakhla since October 2020.

He also indicated that his country welcomes the investments made by Morocco in favor of the populations of the southern provinces as part of the new development model launched in 2015. “It is certain that these investments contribute significantly and concretely to improving the quality of people’s lives,” he said.

Ganou further praised Morocco’s “full respect” for the ceasefire in the Moroccan Sahara and its full cooperation with MINURSO, calling on the other parties to be part of this peace dynamic.

Burkina Faso has, moreover, renewed its support for the ongoing political process, carried out under the aegis of the Secretary General of the United Nations to achieve a political, realistic, lasting and compromise solution to the regional dispute over the Sahara, as recommended by all relevant Security Council resolutions since 2007.

The diplomat further indicated that his country welcomes the efforts of the UNSG Personal Envoy to the Moroccan Sahara, Staffan de Mistur
a, to relaunch the political process under the exclusive auspices of the Secretary General through his visits to the parties concerned by this dispute.

In this context, Burkina Faso called for the resumption of round tables using the same format and with the main actors in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolution 2703 for a successful outcome of the process.

The ambassador concluded that the resolution of this regional dispute through negotiation and dialogue “will enable strengthened cooperation between the member states of the Arab Maghreb Union, and would undoubtedly contribute to stability and security in the entire region and to curb the phenomenon of terrorism in the Sahel of which my country has been the victim for several years.”

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

London: Experts’ Panel Hails Morocco’s Efforts to Solve Artificial Conflict over Sahara

London – Morocco’s tangible efforts to put an end to the artificial conflict over the Sahara were hailed by participants in a round table held on Friday in London by prestigious British think tank The Royal United Service Institute (RUSI).

Launched in partnership with Morocco’s embassy in the United Kingdom under the theme “Resolving the conflict over the Moroccan Sahara: a Moroccan-British perspective,” the event was attended by a range of experts and eminent figures, who emphasized Morocco’s “fundamental” role in the stability and security of the Sahel region in accordance with the Enlightened Vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

The round table was moderated by Professor Marc Weller, Chair of International Law and Constitutional Studies at Cambridge University, Sir Mark Lyall Grant, former UK National Security Adviser and former UK representative to the UN, Mbarka Bouaida, President of the Guelmim Oued-Noun region, and diplomat and writer Hassan Hami.

The speakers exchanged on the artificial conflict
over the Moroccan Sahara, including legal, geopolitical, economic and human development points of view, while highlighting the British government’s position and the timeliness of its evolution in a changing national and international context.

In the light of the elements presented, the speakers highlighted the opportunity for the United Kingdom to align itself with the current momentum of the international community, which broadly supports the Moroccan autonomy plan as the only credible solution for resolving this regional dispute.

The participants also expressed deep concern about the alarming humanitarian situation in the Tindouf camps in Algeria and warned against exploiting the status quo to spread extremism and terrorism in the region.

Finally, discussions on the development of the Southern Provinces and the implementation of advanced regionalization enabled participants to learn about concrete progress on the ground.

Around twenty high-level participants took part in the round table, including offic
ials from the British Foreign Office and Ministry of Defence, former British ministers and diplomats, as well as experts and researchers in geopolitics and defence.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

C24: Antigua and Barbuda Reaffirms Support for Autonomy Plan, “The Compromise Solution”

United Nations (New York) – Antigua and Barbuda reiterated, in New York, its support for the autonomy plan deeming it the “compromise solution” to resolve the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.

Presented by Morocco in 2007, this initiative “is consistent with international law, the United Nations Charter and the resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly”, underlined Ambassador Walton Alfonso Webson, permanent representative of Antigua and Barbuda at the ordinary session of the UN Committee of 24 (June 10-21).

Expressing his country’s support for the political process carried out under the exclusive auspices of the UN Secretary-General, Webson called for the resumption of the round table process with the participation of Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and the “polisario”.

He also welcomed the participation of democratically re-elected representatives of the Moroccan Sahara in regional seminars and annual meetings of the C24, as well as in the two round tables held in Geneva.

The di
plomat also commended the socio-economic development underway in the Moroccan Sahara, thanks to investments and projects implemented within the framework of the New Development Model of the Southern Provinces.

He further invited all parties to remain engaged in the political process with a view to achieving a political and peaceful solution to the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara.

The ambassador praised Morocco’s full respect of the ceasefire and its full and continued cooperation with MINURSO, calling on the other parties to return to the ceasefire because the security and stability of the whole region is at stake, and to cease any obstruction to MINURSO’s freedom of movement.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

AU: Morocco Reiterates Determination to Promote Inclusive, Open and Secure Digital Future in Africa

Addis Ababa – Morocco reiterated before the extraordinary session of the African Union’s Specialized Technical Committee on Communication and Information Communications Technology (STC-CICT), held on June 11-13, its determination to reduce the digital divide and promote an inclusive, open and secure digital future for all in Africa.

The Moroccan delegation, which took part in the session held by videoconference and devoted to reviewing and adopting the draft African Digital Pact and the draft Continental Strategy on AI, reaffirmed the Kingdom’s commitment to building a prosperous digital future for every African, and to making the Continent a key player in the global economy.

The two projects selected for this session represent the proactive commitment and significant contributions of the African continent to the Global Digital Compact and the Summit for the Future planned by the United Nations in September 2024, the Moroccan delegation noted, highlighting the efforts made to design these ambitious projects
which aim to ‘unify our digital transformation efforts in Africa, while taking into account the challenges and specificities specific to our continent.’

‘We must welcome this collective approach which seeks to promote an inclusive and equitable digital society, capable of meeting the needs of all our citizens,’ the delegation stressed.

The delegation reaffirmed that Morocco is currently finalizing its National Digital Strategy 2030, which aims not only to contribute to the Kingdom’s socio-economic development, but also to establish the catalysts necessary for a successful digital transformation, both for Morocco and for the region.

The strategy aims to digitalize public services and boost the country’s digital economy, with a particular focus on digital inclusion, infrastructure and skills building, and the development of a dynamic startup ecosystem, the Moroccan delegation highlighted.

Similarly, Morocco has put in place several initiatives to encourage innovation and digital entrepreneurship, in particu
lar to support young talent, the Moroccan delegation added, noting that it is crucial to offer them the training and the right framework to undertake, as they are the key players in our digital future.

The delegation also pointed out that Morocco has distinguished itself by being among the first countries to adopt the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, and to work towards its implementation.

The Kingdom has considerable assets to accelerate its digital transformation and foster the responsible development of artificial intelligence. Recent initiatives include GITEX Africa Morocco, an excellent networking, collaboration and cooperation opportunity for key players in Africa’s digital sector. The event not only showcased innovative ‘Made in Morocco’ and ‘Made in Africa’ solutions, but also attracted the attention of international investors, noted the Moroccan delegation.

“GITEX’s key figures testify to our progress and our potential to play a central role in the global digital eco
nomy. This year’s 45,000 visitors from more than 130 countries around the world is proof of this. Similarly, while we welcomed 900 exhibitors and 400 startups at the first edition, we are delighted to have surpassed those figures with over 1,400 exhibitors and 700 startups taking part this year. These figures clearly illustrate the growing enthusiasm for the African technology sector and GITEX Africa’s position as a catalyst for innovation”, added the Moroccan delegation.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Hajj: Over 2 Mln Pilgrims at Mount Arafat for Most Important Rite

Mount Arafat – More than two million pilgrims gathered at Mount Arafat on Saturday to perform the most important rite of the Hajj in an atmosphere of piety and meditation.

The pilgrims will perform the Dhuhur and Asr prayers, shortened and grouped together with a single call (adhan) but two iqama, in the Namira Mosque after listening to the Arafat Khutba (sermon), which will be translated into some twenty languages. At sunset, they will make their way to Muzdalifah, where they will perform the Al Maghrib and Isha prayers.

About 20 km from Mecca, Mount Arafat, also known as Jabal al-Rahma, is the most important stage of the pilgrimage.

On Sunday, the first day of Eid al-Adha in Saudi Arabia, pilgrims will begin at dawn to perform the ritual of stoning the stelae at the Mina site, by throwing the seven stones of ‘Jamrat al-Aqaba’.

Pilgrims will then shave and cut their hair, followed by the sacrifice of the ‘Hady’ of Eid al-Adha. They then perform the ‘Tawaf al-Ifadha’, after which they return to Mina to sp
end the night for the remainder of the ‘Tashriq’ days.

This year, the number of Moroccan pilgrims amounts to 34,000, of which 22,500 are supervised by the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs, while travel agencies supervise 11,500 pilgrims.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse