GJA, GIBA call for high media participation in Ghana Compact Citizens’ Convention

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) and the Ghana Independent Broadcasters Association (GIBA) have asked media practitioners to participate in the first ever Citizens’ Convention and give it the needed publicity.

The Ghana Compact Citizens’ Convention would bring together more than 500 Ghanaians representing key stakeholder groups, including political leaders, government agencies, civil society organizations, women and youth groups.

Other participants would be professional associations, private sector groups and university students where there would be a dialogue and a national consensus on the country’s challenges and critical issues.

A statement signed by Mr Kofi Yeboah, GJA General Secretary, and Madam Gloria Hiadzi, Executive Secretary, GIBA, said: ‘GJA and GIBA believe the initiative has the potential to secure Ghana’s economic and political transformation, and thus, deserves the maximum attention of the media.’

Under the auspices of the Ghana Compact, the event is scheduled to take place from Ju
ne 18 to 19, and from 0900hours to 1730hours at the Cedi Conference Centre, Department of Economics, University of Ghana, Legon, the Statement said. The Ghana Compact, which is the brainchild of Dr K. Y. Amoako, Founder of the African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET), was launched in December 2022 by a coalition of major policy institutes and civil society organisations in Ghana.

The Compact has garnered the support of prominent Ghanaians, media partners, youth leaders and heads of key public and private institutions.

The initiative will address some of Ghana’s most pressing transformation challenges, including constitutional reforms, national development planning, youth, education and skills, gender equality, private sector development, health, and climate change.

‘It intends to increase democratic accountability, deepen political discourse, address political polarization, and engage citizens in addressing these critical challenges underpinned by values such as loyalty, honesty and integrity,’ th
e Statement said.

Over the past two years, ACET and its partner policy institutes have undertaken numerous studies on the above issues and held several consultations with experts and opinion makers towards a consensus on the policies and actions to tackle the challenges.

In collaboration with the National Commission on Civic Education (NCCE), citizens’ engagements at the district level also took place between March and May 2024 to obtain the views of ordinary Ghanaians on the critical issues confronting Ghana’s political and economic transformation.

The engagements covered six regions and a broad cross-section of Ghanaians online.

The Compact will hold two key events (the first being the Legon Convention) to form the foundation for a more issues-based election season and future governance based on mutual accountability and a collective vision for the future.

The participants at the Legon Convention would pull on the analysis provided by the Ghana Compact partners and the feedback from fellow citizens to
debate and adopt a Compact Declaration to serve as a working ‘Social Contract’ between the citizens of Ghana and their government, irrespective of the political party in power.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Club 50 supports school girls with sanitary pads?

Club 50, a Ho-based men’s social group has presented sanitary pads to 600 school girls in twelve schools within the Ho Municipal area and the Adaklu District.

The beneficiary schools included Ho Kpodzi E.P Basic School, New Horizon Foundation of the Blind, Akoefe M/A Basic School, Kpenoe M/A Basic School, Takla-Tokor E.P Basic School, Adaklu-Kodzobi Basic School, and Dzakpo D/A Basic School.

Mr. Dickson Pi-Bansah, Secretary of the group, told the Ghana News Agency that the gesture was made for girls from deprived communities, who could not afford the sanitary towels.

He said that a lack of commodity caused many girls to absent themselves from school during their menstrual cycle, which had an adverse effect on instruction and student development.

Mr Pi-Bansah said some girls were also compelled to use rags and pieces of cloth as sanitary pads due to financial problems, so the gesture was to support and assuage the challenge.

He said a total of 1,050 girls in the Volta Region were targeted to get the commo
dity this year, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds.

Mr Michael Avor, the Coordinator of the Club, urged parents to take good care of their young children because they were susceptible and vulnerable.

He said some males were taking advantage of the difficulties girls have during their menstrual periods and getting them pregnant, therefore, parents must be responsible to provide their girls sanitary pads at that crucial time on the month.

Madam Esther Yeboah-Adzimah, Ho Municipal Director of Education, who received the products on behalf of the schools thanked the Club for the support.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Media commended for promoting naval training school

Commodore Solomon Asiedu-Larbi, the Flag Officer Commanding (FOC) the Nutekpor Naval Training Command, has commended the media for its role in the promotion of the military institution.

The training command, located in the South Tongu District of the Volta Region, comprises various training institutions of the Ghana Navy.

Collaboration with the media began in 2022 when the then FOC, Commodore Godwin Livinus Bessing, shared with executives of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA), the vision of becoming a one-stop-hub for naval education.

The present FOC, who is barely months on the job, appraised the media while on tour of units and relevant institutions in the Volta Region.

‘The reason for being here is to pay a courtesy call on your association following the job you have done in projecting the naval command. The feedback is that you have helped in projecting the naval training command and we want that good job to continue,’ the FOC said.

He said the visit was part of a familiarisation tour of various
units and hoped to strengthen synergies with various stakeholders.

He added: ‘We are here to establish contact with the opinion leaders in the Region and forge a common purpose, identify areas of interest that we can build up and if there are any differences, find a a way of solving it amicably.

‘So, the purpose is to join forces with you to create the peaceful environment that we are currently enjoying, and if they are any hitches anywhere, we find a nice way of solving it.’

Emmanuel Agbaxode, Chairman of the GJA in the Volta and Oti Regions, shared how the past FOC Commodore Bessing had tasked the media to lead the campaign to promote the training command, and pledged the support of the media.

He said the media continued to expand collaboration with the security agencies, set off by a fruitful relationship with the 66 Artillery Regiment, and that the honour of the visit by the new FOC was a ‘testament to the strong bonds of friendship between the GJA and nation’s security agencies.’

‘The visit should l
ead to a more fulfilling relationship,’ he added, and pledged ‘assistance in any manner in ensuring outmost peace, especially this election year.’

The Regional Chairman appealed to the training command to support the Association complete the ongoing Volta Press Center project.

The FOC, during the visit, paid a courtesy call on Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa, the Volta Regional Minister and met with heads of major universities in the Region, including the University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS), and the Ho Technical University.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Kenya eyes Ghana’s waste management blueprint by Ghana’s Jospong Groups

A high-level delegation from the Kenyan Council of Governors have expressed confidence in Jospong Groups’ capability of partnering with Kenya to address its sanitation challenges, saying Jospong can become a key partner with Kenya in environmental sanitation.

‘Partnering with Jospong will help us improve all aspects of sanitation management in Kenya and enhance the lives of our citizens,’ says the Wajir County Govenor and Vice Chairperson of the Council of Governors. ‘We are impressed by Jospong Group’s expertise and achievements in waste management.,’ he added.

Speaking after a tour of Jospong Groups plants in Kumasi on Wednesday June 12, 2024, H.E. Ahmed Abdulai, Wajir County Governor, and Vice Chairperson of the Council of Governors said the team is grateful for the opportunity.

After observing the separation process, production of plastic pellets, and youth entrepreneurship initiatives at JGC, the Kenyan delegation praised Jospong’s commitment to environmental sustainability and community well-being.

The General Manager of the Kumasi Compost and Recycling Plant (KCARP), Ing. Samuel Ntumy was optimistic that the visit would yield positive results.

‘We are looking forward to further discussions and timelines with them to finalise the arrangements,’ Mr. Ntumy said.

Besides KCARP, Kumasi Waste Water Treatment Plant and the Kumasi Medical Waste facilities, the delegation also visited ACARP, SSGL, Zoomlion’s Pantang Solid Waste Transfer Station, JA Plantpool, among other key facilities.

The potential partnership between Jospong Group and the Kenyan Council of Governors is expected to lead to improved sanitation services in Kenya, benefiting millions of citizens.

The delegation is on a five-day mission to study Jospong Group’s waste management systems, following Kenyan President H.E. William Kipchirchir Samoei Arap Ruto’s visit to Ghana in April 2024. The mission aims to foster knowledge sharing and collaboration between the two countries, aligning with the theme ‘Driving Investment and Intra-Africa Trade: T
he Ghana-Kenya Experience.’

‘This business development mission demonstrates the Kenyan government’s admiration for Jospong Group’s contributions to Ghana’s economy and its desire to replicate similar successes in Kenya,’ he said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

CARE International Ghana equips hundred youths with digital skills

CARE International Ghana, an international non-governmental organisation, has equipped 100 youths in the Hohoe Municipality with digital skills.

Under the WeGrow Project of the organisation is The Digital Skills Academy, which aimed at equipping the youth with employable skills in ICT.

Mr. Frank Adjavon, Zonal Project Coordinator, said Hohoe was one of the organisation’s operational areas hence the need to invest in the future of the youth.

He said a need assessment conducted revealed that the youth in the Municipality were eager to explore the digital world but lacked the necessary skills which compelled CARE International Ghana to support the participants with free training and issue them with certificates.

Mr. Adjavon said the participants received training in Microsoft suite, graphic designing and video editing and added that the response from participants had been motivating.

He encouraged the participants to continue to practice what they had learnt and become perfect for employers who would need t
heir digital skills.

Mr. Adjavon said 50 youths from Asumura in the Ahafo region and 100 from Suprisu and Addonkwata in the Eastern region also benefited from the same skills training.

Some participants commended CARE International Ghana for the initiative of grooming and equipping them with digital skills for the future.

Source: Ghana News Agency