Presbyterian Primary Health Centre guides mothers in nutritious meal preparation for children

The Presbyterian Health Centre at Salaga under the Presbyterian Primary Health Care (PPHC) has held a nutrition showcase event on using local food items to prepare nutritious foods for children under five years.

The day’s event, which took place at Salaga in the East Gonja Municipality of the Savannah Region, was a Mandela Day Service Grant (MDSG) initiative with support from the United State of America, Department of State, through IREXs Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumni programme.

It is aimed at building a culture of volunteerism among the community and health workers in commemoration of Mandela Day.

A total of 100 women, who had children under five years, were trained on how to prepare balanced meals for children using the four-star diets.

Participants witnessed both instructional and practical sessions, which included demonstrations on how to prepare nutritious meals.

Prior to the event, health care workers and volunteers received training to equip them with the knowledge needed to effectively edu
cate participants on topics on nutrition.

This was done under the supervision of Mr Fred Nketiah Mensah, and Mrs Silvia Phaphali Adzitey, co-winners of the 2024 MDSG and Alumni of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, 2023.

Mr Mensah, a 2023 Mandela Washington Fellow and Coordinator, Presbyterian Primary Healthcare Centre, said the event was to climax the MDSG.

He said it was to encourage volunteerism in the community, adding volunteerism was an element of the Mandela Washington Fellowship grant.

He stated that although the country had made progress, malnutrition was a national issue that needed coordinated and collaborative approach to successfully achieve improvement.

He said support from UNICEF and the World Food Programme for therapeutic foods supply had stalled, and said the project aim to teach women to prepare nutritious foods using common and available local dishes for children in the absence of these therapeutic foods.

Mr Abdul Latif Abubakari, Senior Nutrition Officer, East Gonja Municipal Health
Directorate, taught the women how to combine the four-star foods to prepare nutritious meals for children and said everything needed to prepare a nutritious meal was easily accessible in their communities.

He said children, by the end of a day’s meal, must have benefited from the nutrients from each of the four-star diets, which were animals and animal products, nuts and beans, fruits, and vegetables as well as staples.

He advised participants to substitute unhealthy snacks with fruits for their children, noting that fruits had most of the nutrient’s children needed to live healthy.

Some volunteers under the initiative, speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, recounted their role in ensuring that women got knowledge about nutrition through their daily routine check-ups.

Miss Memunatu Sakibu, a volunteer, said she visited mothers who had difficulties caring for a child, and reported to supervisors and received the needed attention, adding that it was part of her volunteer work.

Source: Ghana
News Agency

Pharmaceutical Society calls for swift clearing of locked-up commodities

The Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana (PSGH) has urged the Minister of Health to ensure that the locked-up Global Fund commodities at the port are released on time as promised.

A statement issued by the PSGH and copied to the Ghana News Agency, said: ‘Despite the fact that previous promises by the MOH to clear the containers did not materialise, the PSGH is willing to accept these renewed assurances by the Ministry and hold the Minister to his two weeks.’

The PSGH noted that the Health Minister on Thursday, assured stakeholders and Ghanaians that all locked-up health commodities would be cleared within two weeks.

Nearly three months ago, the Association expressed deep concern over critical issues affecting Ghana’s access to essential health commodities paid up for Ghanaians by the Global Fund.

It said the commodities, though vital for the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria, had been languishing at the port since August 2023 due to delays in clearance caused by unpaid taxes and levies at
the port, which the Government of Ghana needed to fix.

The PSGH reminded the MoH that some of the remaining containers had life-saving medications and health commodities, including artesunate injection for severe malaria, Tuberculosis (TB) medicines for both category 1 and category 2 patients, Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test Kits (RDTs), and GeneXpert cartridges for TB diagnosis, among others.

The Association said further delay in clearing the remaining containers would have severe repercussions, including complete stock-out of malaria RDTs, which hampered the ability to diagnose and treat malaria promptly.

‘Fatal consequences for severe malaria cases could rise in children under five years and pregnant women. ‘We remind the Ministry of the urgent need to address the $844,046 ineligible expense reimbursement to the Global Fund to avoid the potential loss of $1.6 million from the current grant cycle. This financial oversight, if not rectified, will further strain our healthcare system and adversely impact the
health of Ghanaians.’

The PSGH expressed its commitment to collaborate with the MoH and other stakeholders to develop sustainable solutions that would ensure uninterrupted access to essential health commodities.

‘We advocate robust domestic financing mechanisms to support our HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria programmes and safeguard the health of all Ghanaians,’ it stated.

‘As pharmacists and healthcare professionals dedicated to the well-being of our patients, we stand with all Ghanaians during this challenging time. We urge swift and decisive action to resolve this crisis and protect the health gains we have worked so hard to achieve.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

STMA Creates Electronic government platform

The Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA), as part of activities of the implementation the Twin- cities in Sustainable Partnership Project (TCSPP), has created an electronic government platform for the Metropolis to enhance access to information and service delivery.

The platform developed by LoGig software company based in Sekondi-Takoradi and is being test run would also improve upon responsiveness and efficiency in the Assembly’s service delivery as well as promote civic participation in urban governance, under the auspices of the Twin-cities in Sustainable Partnership Project.

The TCSPP is a three- year project being implemented in the cities of Sekondi-Takoradi and Palermo (Italy), with funding from the European union, which is aimed at enhancing the city authority’s capacity to respond to challenges of urbanization and climate change, unemployment and exclusion.

At a stakeholder engagement to announce the existence of the platform, Mr Aziz Mahmoud, Governance and Social Accountability Offic
er for the TCSPP, said the creation of the platform was in line with the 1992 constitution, the Local governance Act 2016 (Act936), and the right to Information Act, 2019((989) to among others, empower citizens to participate in decision- making , demand transparency, and accountability as well as gain unfettered access to legally permissible information from duty bearers in all aspects of national life ,including local governance .

The platform would allow people in the Metropolis to make inquiries, suggestions and lodge complaints about the activities of the STMA.

It covers areas like budget and fee rating, central administration, client services, development planning unit, environmental health unit, finance, human resources department, legal, metro guards, MIS/IT, Physical planning dept, public relation office, social welfare, transport, waste management and works.

Mr Mahmoud commended LoGig for the good work done and called on the public to patronize the facility to enable the assembly to achieve its a
im of creating the platform.

He also tasked the Assembly to own and manage the system well to adequately give the citizenry the needed information and assistance, hence bringing local governance to the doorsteps of the public.

He announced that role shows, jiggles, phone-in would be used to test run specific feature on the platform and that mini launches of the platform would also be done to check on all issues before the main launch.

Mr Mahmoud, in this regard, called on all stakeholders, especially the media, to inform the public about the platform so that they could also make the necessary inputs and corrections before its final launch.

Nana Baisie, Director and Project lead, of LoGig, who took the participants through the operations of the platform, commended STMA for taking such a bold decision to create the platform and urged the citizenry to own and use the platform to address their local governance needs.

Participants speaking to the GNA lauded the STMA and its partners for coming up with the pla
tform which they noted would go a long way to enhance public participation in the Assembly’s activities.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Affirmative Action Bill (Gender Equality) Bill, 2024 laid in Parliament

The much-awaited Affirmative Action (Gender Equality) Bill, 2024, has been laid before Parliament and read for the first time.

It is a Bill to provide for Affirmative Action for Gender Equality in the Public and Private sectors and Correlated Purposes.

The Bill, which was laid by Mr. Frank Annoh-Dompreh, the Majority Chief Whip and New Patriotic Party NPP Member of Parliament (MP) for Nsawam-Adoagyiri, on behalf of the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, aims to promote a progressive active participation of women in public life from a minimum of 30 per cent to 50 per cent by 2030.

After the Bill was laid and read for the first time, Speaker Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin referred it to the Select Committee on Gender, Children and Social Welfare for consideration and report to the House.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ketu South Assembly fails to elect Presiding Member

The Ketu South Municipal Assembly has again failed to elect a Presiding Member (PM) to steer its affairs since its inauguration on Monday, February 12.

Mr Richard Koffi Hato, a government appointee of the Assembly, who stood unopposed could not secure the two-thirds majority votes required for his endorsement as he polled 33 out of the 58 votes cast.

Nineteen members voted against him, while six ballots were recorded as rejected.

Another meeting of the Assembly would be reconvened in 10 days for the election of the PM to take place.

The recent failed PM election attempt followed three earlier ones in which aspirants, Mr Wilfred Dakunya and Mr Moses Xorve Kordorwu, Assembly members for Akame and Lotakor Electoral Areas, respectively, suffered similar fate.

While the results from the contest between Mr Dakunya and Mr Kordorwu were blamed on entrenched political position as they were believed to be sympathisers of the ruling New Patriotic Party and the opposition National Democratic Congress respectively, t
he Assembly members felt the new aspirant did not do enough consultation.

Some of them, who spoke to Ghana News Agency said though they did not expect a repeat of the PM election in the eighth Assembly, which ran into several voting attempts, the sole aspirant must engage and not be complacent.

‘I’m not surprised because the aspirant didn’t do the necessary engagement before the election was held. The next election will be held in the next 10 days, and when he does the necessary engagement before the election day, we will have it easy to get a PM.

It will only be tough, when we don’t leave partisan issues out of this PM election,’ Mr Dakunya, who failed his PM bid noted.

Miss Faustina Elikplim Korwu, Assembly member for Avoeme West said the delay in electing a PM did not augur well for the Assembly as there could not be committees to work neither could members meet to deliberate or transact businesses to benefit the Municipality and hoped that the Assembly would soon be successful in getting its PM.

rce: Ghana News Agency