Ken Agyapong joins Bawumia’s campaign tour to electrify atmosphere at Suame

Mr Kennedy Agyapong, the Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Tuesday joined Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia, the New Patriotic Party’s Flagbearer, on his campaign tour of Suame – reinvigorating the political mood in the Ashanti Region

According to an official press release issued to the Ghana News Agency, the ‘charismatic MP made a grand entrance in Suame, a key industrial and commercial hub in Kumasi, thus, significantly boosting the morale of the Party’s supporters.’

‘The electrifying presence of Mr Agyapong is positive for the Party’s quest to win the December 7 polls, as he addressed the enthusiastic crowd gathered in Suame,’ it said.

With his usual his fiery oratory style and vitality, Mr Agyapong is said to have set the stage for Dr. Bawumia to address the audience with his message of optimism.

The NPP Flagbearer warmly welcomed Mr Agyapong to the campaign tour, emphasising the importance of unity within the Party to achieve the common goal of winning the 2024 Election.

Vice President Bawumia h
ighlighted his plans to continue driving economic growth, enhance technological infrastructure, and create job opportunities in the Ashanti Region and across the country.

‘As a testament to their camaraderie and shared vision, Dr.Bawumia extended an invitation to Mr Agyapong to visit Suame Magazine, the largest industrial area in Kumasi, known for its vibrant auto repairs and engineering businesses,’ the release said.

The Suame Magazine symbolises the industrious spirit of the Ashanti people.

The visit aimed to underscore the commitment of the party to support local industries and small businesses, the release said.

‘The appearance of both Dr. Bawumia and Mr Agyapong in Suame has undoubtedly galvanised support among the Party’s supporters and sympathisers, setting a positive tone for the ongoing campaign,’ it said.

‘The duo coming together to campaign after they competed for the Party’s flagbearership slot has exemplified the collaborative spirit within the Elephant family and their collective ambition t
o drive Ghana towards a brighter future.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Speaker Bagbin tasks Committee to table report on Affirmative Action Bill before plenary

Speaker Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin has tasked the Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to present and lay its report on the Affirmative Action and Gender Equality Bill, 2023, before plenary.

‘This meeting is thus tight and challenging. That notwithstanding, Parliament is called upon to consider some critical legislation, motions, agreements and oversight responsibilities to deepen the democratic culture and to ensure a smooth transition to the Ninth Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana.’

Speaker Bagbin tasked the committee on the resumption of the House from the Easter Recess; for the Third Meeting of the Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana.

‘The agenda for this meeting, therefore, includes urgent legislations for consideration. These are, and I will just mention a few – the Affirmative Action (and Gender Equality) Bill, 2023. Committee, this week, we want the report to be presented and laid, you have no excuse. This time around, you have
no excuse.’

The Speaker also cited the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana (Amendment) Bill, 2021; the International Business or Economic Transactions, Bill, 2024; the Parliamentary Transition Bill, and the Budget Bill, as part of the 19 Bills at various Committee stages.

Touching on the Parliamentary Transition Bill, Speaker Bagbin said the Bill was a very critical Bill for the august House to consider; saying ‘and we need to get it through, so that we can have a better transitional arrangement put in place for the Ninth Parliament of the Fourth Republic’.

Speaker Bagbin said the over 80 Bills yet to be presented to the House might have to be considered in due course.

He said five instruments were before Committees, 72 more to be presented, 149 papers before various Committees, 59 more to be presented and some agreements, lined up to be passed or approved.

He noted that copies of the agenda of the meeting would be given to every member of the House.

‘This meeting is however proposed to end with the m
onth of July, unless otherwise decided by the House. The weight of business to be considered by the House at this meeting is clearly immeasurable,’ he stated.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Minority request urgent Committee of the Whole Meeting with EC

The Minority Caucus in Parliament has requested an urgent Committee of the Whole Meeting with the Electoral Commission (EC).

The Committee of the Whole is a meeting where both caucuses converge to discuss issues of national interest, usually behind closed doors without the media.

‘Mr Speaker, the NDC Minority Caucus want to use this forum to demand an urgent committee of the whole to iron out grave concerns with the Electoral Commission before it is too late.

‘It is therefore imperative that Parliament calls the Electoral Commission to order to save democracy and protect the peace and stability of our dear country,’ the Minority Leader said.

Dr Cassiel Ato Forson, the Minority Leader made the request when he delivered his welcome address to the House on Tuesday.

Parliament reconvened on Tuesday for the Third Meeting of the Fourth Session of the Eighth Parliament.

Dr Forson explained that the Caucus’s request would serve as a Parliamentary oversight on the EC to prevent actions that would undermine any d
emocratic process, to ensure peace and stability in the country.

The Minority Leader’s request was a result of him criticising the EC for its recent decisions, including the alleged barring and subsequent reversal of political party agents from the ongoing voter transfer process.

According to Dr Forson, the EC lacked the independence to make such ‘dangerous and outrageous’ decisions adding that ‘the Minority will not permit the EC to make decisions that could jeopardize the country’s democracy.’

He called for immediate actions to resolve the cited issues and safeguard the integrity of the electoral process.

‘Mr Speaker, while we acknowledge that the Electoral Commission is an independent body, it must be pointed out in no uncertain terms to the Electoral Commission that it does not have the independence to make dangerous, ridiculous and outrageous decisions that can affect the peace and stability of our country and this democracy,’ Dr Forson said on the Floor of the House.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Don’t meddle in Ghana’s electoral process, Burkinabe community told

Madam Justina Owusu-Banhene, the Bono Regional Minister has advised the Burkina Faso Community in the country not to meddle in the nation’s politics as Election 2024 gather momentum.

Nationals from Burkina Faso must not interfere in Ghana’s electoral processes ahead of the December 7, Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, the Regional Minister stated when Mr David Kabre, the Burkina Faso Ambassador to Ghana paid a courtesy call on her in Sunyani.

Madam Owusu-Banahene said although some Burkina Faso nationals had stayed in Ghana for years, their years of stay did not permit them to involve themselves in Ghana’s electoral processes.

She said the Election 2024 remained crucial and that the government and election stakeholders were doing everything possible to conduct a peaceful election and consolidate the gains of the country’s democracy.

Madam Owusu-Banahene said a violent free election would further pave the way for the Burkina Faso national to carry on and continue with their stay and economic activi
ties in the country, hence the need for them to support to sustain and strengthen the prevailing peace of the nation.

‘The country requires absolute peace and social cohesion for economic activities to progress and we need your support in that regard,’ she told the Ambassador.

Mr Kabre emphasised the embassy’s commitment to strengthening the bilateral relations between Burkina Faso and Ghana for mutual benefit.

He added his visit was to enable him to acquaint himself and explore the economic potential of the Bono Region.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Baffour Awuah urges Governments to advance social justice towards renewed social contract

Mr Ignatius Baffour Awuah, Minister of Employment, Labour Relations and Pensions, has urged Governments across the globe to advance social justice towards a renewed social contract in order to ensure social development that leaves no one behind.

Social contract is where people live together in society inaccordance with an agreement that establishes moral and political rules of behavior.

‘Our renew social contracts must embrace diversity, ensure inclusivity and promote social cohesion,’ Mr Baffour Awuah made the appeal in his address at the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, Switzerland.

The Ministry of Employment, labour Relations and Pensions, made a copy of the video recording of the Minister’s speech available to the Ghana News Agency.

The Conference, which officially commenced from Monday, 3rd June, to Friday, 14th June, is being held on two premises: the Palais de Nation and the ILO Headquarters.

The ILC is the highest decision-making body of the International Labo
ur Organisation (ILO) and is held annually in June to advance the core mandate of the ILO.

The Conference brings together all tripartite delegations from the ILO’s 187 Member States and observers from other international actors to discuss topics related to the world of work.

Mr Baffour Awuah said social contracts between governments, workers and employers had always been an anchor of sustainable development, however, the unprecedented challenges caused by technological advancement, demographic shift, climate change and geopolitical tension had put in jeopardy the benefits governments derive from social contracts with their people.

He urged governments all over the world to create avenues that promote access to fair employment opportunities and adequate social protection systems.

He noted that Ghana had taken substantial stripes in promoting inclusion employment opportunities for all its citizens through interventions such as the National Employment Policy, Social Protection Policy, and the National Youth

The Minister said the Government of Ghana was transforming the lives of its people with focus on the youth, who were the future.

He reiterated that the Ghana’s Labour Act, which was being reviewed, would also provide additional protection for all actors in the world of work.

He said the ILO had been instrumental in the review of Ghana’s Labour Act by offering both technical and financial support throughout the process.

‘On this august occasion, the Government of Ghana reiterates its profound gratitude to the ILO as this gesture reinforces our commitment to the promotion of tripartism, and social dialogue,’ Mr Baffour Awuah stated.

‘We are confident that the Bill, when passed into law, will deal comprehensively with the varying decent work deficits that characterise the employment sector.

‘While issues of child labour, force labour, irregular labour migration and unfair labour practices will be address more comprehensively.’

Mr Baffour Awuah said provisions would also be introduced to cater for
the digital economy.

This, he said was necessary considering that Artificial Intelligence (AI) was causing a shift in how they work, and the types of jobs organisations were engaging in; saying ‘we must recognize that AI will not dismiss labour but complement it to enhance productivity in a competitive ecosystem’.

He said the government of Ghana would leverage AI and institute appropriate regulatory framework to maximize its benefits and to improve decent work in the world of work.

Mr Baffour Awuah reaffirmed Ghana’s commitment towards a renewed social contract where effective partnerships and cooperations would be central.

‘Collectively, we will overcome the challenges facing the labour market, promote inclusive growth and create a better future for all,’ he added.

Source: Ghana News Agency