‘Positive Step’: Morocco Welcomes UN Resolution for Gaza Ceasefire

Rabat – Morocco has warmly welcomed the recent adoption by the UN Security Council of Resolution 2735, which calls for a three-phase ceasefire in Gaza and outlines a significant multi-year reconstruction plan for the Palestinian territory. The announcement was made by Nasser Bourita, Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates, during a press conference in Rabat on Tuesday.

The resolution, adopted on Monday, urges an immediate, total, and complete ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, a full withdrawal of Israeli forces, and the return of displaced persons. Speaking after discussions with Slovenia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, Bourita expressed Morocco’s approval of the UN’s call for peace and reconstruction.

‘Morocco considers this resolution a positive step towards halting the war,’ said Bourita. He emphasized that this aligns with the call made by HM King Mohammed VI, President of the Al-Quds Committee, for an immediate,
total, and enduring end to hostilities. The Sovereign has also advocated for the unimpeded delivery of humanitarian aid through all crossing points into Gaza and rejected any form of population displacement, underscoring Gaza as an integral part of the Palestinian territories.

Bourita highlighted that the resolution fits within the broader vision of HM King Mohammed VI to resolve a long-standing conflict through adherence to international law and the resolutions of international legitimacy, supporting a two-state solution. He stressed that negotiations remain the only viable path to achieving this goal.

The Minister expressed hope that all parties involved will adhere to the resolution’s terms to alleviate the suffering of civilian populations, who have endured eight months of destructive warfare with devastating humanitarian impacts.

Additionally, Bourita reaffirmed Morocco’s support for the proposals made by U.S. President Joseph Biden, which aim to establish a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, facilitate human
itarian aid access, protect civilians, enable the return of displaced persons, and rebuild the war-torn areas.

This endorsement of Resolution 2735 reflects Morocco’s ongoing commitment to peace and stability in the region, advocating for international cooperation to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and work towards a sustainable resolution.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco, Slovenia Set to Boost Ties

Rabat – The Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Slovenia stressed, here Tuesday, their determination to give a strong impetus to their bilateral relations.

Moroccan-Slovenian relations are founded in trust, mutual respect and a fruitful partnership, said Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita and Slovenia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Tanja Fajon, at a press briefing following their talks.

Fajon’s official visit to Morocco testifies to the positive momentum and distinguished relations between the two countries, as part of a shared desire to further strengthen bilateral cooperation ties, said Bourita on this occasion.

He noted that Moroccan-Slovenian relations have witnessed a considerable development over the recent years, making the most of the convergence of views on a number of regional and international issues, noting that Slovenia remains one of the Kingdom’s reliable partners in various fields.

Welcoming Sl
ovenia’s decision to open a resident Embassy in Rabat, ‘which will give a strong impetus to bilateral relations,’ the Minister announced Morocco’s intention to follow suit with the opening of an embassy in Ljubljana by early 2025.

He also stressed the importance of further strengthening bilateral cooperation and making the most of economic potential, particularly in the automotive, aeronautics, tourism, food safety and pharmaceutical sectors.

The Minister also highlighted Slovenia’s role in promoting Morocco’s relations with the European Union, reaffirming that the country has always been an active player in the development of the Kingdom’s relations with the EU, in favor of a balanced and mutually beneficial partnership based on common interests and understanding of each party’s priorities.

Describing relations between Morocco and Slovenia as ‘excellent’, Fajon expressed her country’s desire to strengthen cooperation with the Kingdom in various areas of common interest.

Morocco is one of Slovenia’s most
important trade partners on African and Mediterranean levels, she said, expressing the wish to see this momentum extended to other key sectors, including economy, tourism, culture and education.

With regard to relations between Morocco and the EU, Fajon welcomed the Kingdom’s role in its ‘important and balanced’ partnership with the EU.

The Slovenian Foreign Minister is paying an official visit to Morocco, at the invitation of Bourita, to mark the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Slovenia.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco, Djibouti Examine Ways to Strengthen Legal Cooperation

Rabat – Governement Secretary-General Mohamed Hajoui held talks, on Tuesday in Rabat, with Djiboutian counterpart, Almis Mohamed Abdillahi to discuss ways to strengthen legal cooperation between the two countries.

Abdillahi, Chairman of Djibouti’s National Commission of Public Procurement, is heading a Djiboutian delegation on a visit to Morocco aimed at strengthening bilateral cooperation and sharing experiences and best practices in the legal field, particularly in terms of digitizing the process of drafting legislation.

Speaking on the occasion, Hajoui recalled the historic friendly relations between Rabat and Djibouti, noting that the visit was meant to draw inspiration from Moroccan experience in drafting legislation, notably the Official Bulletin and texts relating to public procurement.

For his part, Director-General of Legal Studies and Research at the General Secretariat of the Government, Bensalem Belkourati stated that this visit was part of the Secretariat’s policy of opening up to its counterp
arts, particularly in Africa, and testified to the solid relations between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Djibouti.

The meeting focused on the process of drafting legislative and regulatory texts, the dematerialization of these texts and the digitization of the Official Bulletin, he told the press.

For his part, Abdillahi said that this visit was an opportunity to discuss cooperation between the two countries in digitizing the Bulletin Officiel, while taking advantage of Moroccan experience in this area, as well as collaboration in the field of public procurement digitization.

On this occasion, the Djibouti delegation expressed its desire to develop cooperation in the field of digitization and modernization of legal production methods and processes.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco’s Public Prosecutor Holds Talks in Rabat with Judicial Delegation from Peru

Rabat – Morocco’s Prosecutor General of the King to the Court of Cassation, President of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, El Hassan Daki, held talks, here Tuesday with Head of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Peru, Javier Arévalo Vela, who is on a working visit to Morocco, to discuss ways of strengthening judicial cooperation between the two countries and sharing expertise and experience in this field.

The two sides also discussed the prospects for cooperation between the two countries’ judicial institutions and ways of further strengthening it, highlighting the need to take advantage of each country’s judicial expertise.

In a statement to the press, Daki said that the meeting was an opportunity to review the experience of the two countries in the field of justice management, noting that the Moroccan experience in the field of the independence of the judiciary as well as the presidency of the public prosecutor’s office was presented to the Peruvian side.

For his part, Aréval
o Vela reiterated the desire to continue strengthening the bonds of friendship between the judiciaries of the two countries, noting that Morocco and Peru have many points in common and have accumulated a wealth of experience and expertise that deserves to be shared mutually.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Slovenia Hails Morocco’s Distinguished Role as Strategic EU Partner

Rabat – The Republic of Slovenia hailed on Tuesday in Rabat the distinguished role played by the Kingdom of Morocco as a strategic partner of the European Union (EU).

In a joint communiqué issued at the end of talks held between Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, and Slovenian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister, Tanja Fajon, Morocco and Slovenia stressed the centrality of the historic and privileged partnership between the Kingdom and the EU, emphasizing the importance of this strategic partnership for both parts.

The two countries reiterated their commitment to contribute to the strengthening of cooperation, dialogue, and partnership in the Euro-African region and between the European Union and its southern neighborhood, in order to address the common challenges, particularly in the fields of security, stability, migration and social and economic development.

On regional issues, Slovenia and Morocco exchanged views on
topics of common interest, and on the new challenges to peace and security in the Sahel region, emphasizing their positive and constructive role in maintaining stability, security and peace in their respective regions.

They also affirmed their commitment to international legality and the peaceful settlement of conflicts and disputes, the Communiqué adds, noting that Slovenia recognizes Morocco’s important role in promoting security in the region and commends its commitment to stability, the fight against terrorism and cooperation on cross-border migration management.

The two parties further discussed possibilities for closer cooperation in the field of internal security and law enforcement especially in the areas of fighting organized crime, sexual exploitation of children, cybercrime, money laundering, fraud and economic crime, corruption, forgery, and trafficking of documents as well as terrorism.

Bourita also congratulated Tanja Fajon on the membership of Slovenia to the UN Security Council for 2024-202
5, and appreciated the inclusive approach that Slovenia is bringing to the work of the Security Council and to the relevant priorities of its mandate within this UN body, in favor of the maintenance of international peace and security.

Both sides committed to work closely and to continue consultation and coordination within international organizations on multilateral issues of common interest.

Within the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the two ministers encouraged cooperation between the Piran-based EMUNI Euro-Mediterranean University and the Euromed University of Fez, and agreed to promote bilateral and regional academic cooperation in the fields of science, research, innovation and the blue economy, to create opportunities for empowering young people throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The Slovenian Foreign Minister is paying an official visit to Morocco, at the invitation of Bourita, to mark the 32nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom o
f Morocco and the Republic of Slovenia.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse