Central African Republic Expresses Constant, Clear Position and Attachment to Kingdom of Morocco’s Territorial Integrity and Considers Moroccan Autonomy Plan as Only Solution for Resolving Sahara Dispute

Rabat – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Francophonie and Central Africans Abroad, Sylvie Baïpo-Temon, reiterated on Monday in Rabat the constant and clear position of the Central African Republic and expressed its attachment to the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco.

At a press briefing following talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, the Central African Republic’s top diplomat reaffirmed her country’s support for the autonomy plan presented by the Kingdom of Morocco, which is the only credible and realistic solution for resolving this regional dispute, in compliance with the United Nations Charter.

‘The Central African Republic always stands by the Kingdom of Morocco and its efforts to find a solid and peaceful solution,’ said Baïpo-Temon, adding that the Moroccan autonomy plan ‘is a peaceful solution that is in line with the United Nations Charter.’

She also took the opportunity to commend the ‘excellent’ relations between the Kingd
om of Morocco and the Central African Republic.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Morocco, Peru to Strengthen Judicial Cooperation

Rabat – Morocco’s Supreme Council of the Judicial Power (CSPJ) and the Judiciary of the Republic of Peru signed, here Monday, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) setting out the general framework for cooperation and coordination between the two parties.

Signed by First President of the Court of Cassation and President Delegate of CSPJ, M’hammed Abdenabaoui, and Head of Peru’s Judiciary, Javier Arévalo Vela, the MoU aims to exchange experiences and expertise between the two judiciaries in areas of common interest, and to build judges’ capacities in both countries in a variety of fields.

This MoU covers the implementation of mutual commitments and missions between the two parties in areas within their competence, and the strengthening of management and coordination mechanisms, as well as the consolidation of bilateral cooperation through the sharing of experience on judicial issues, via the organization of conferences, study days, symposia and bilateral and multilateral forums.

The document also provides for
mutual support and development of coordination procedures and strategies to combat cross-border crime, cybercrime and offenses against vulnerable people, in addition to electronic procedures, specialized courts, the organization of mutual visits and high-level training sessions in the judicial field, as well as the strengthening of technical cooperation in administrative and financial fields.

In a statement to the press, Arévalo Vela stressed that his visit to Morocco aims to strengthen relations between the two countries in the judiciary field, expressing his country’s desire to further consolidate cooperation ties with the Kingdom, ‘a country that is a friend of Peru, with which it has very positive relations’.

For his part, Mohamed Nasser, member of CSPJ, noted that this MoU provides for strengthening judges’ skills and sharing best practices, particularly in areas of common interest.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse