GRIDCO’s former CEO proposes renewable energy as solution to Ghana’s energy sector debts

Jonathan Baah, a former Chief Executive Officer for the Ghana Grid Company (GRIDCO), says diversifying Ghana’s energy sources is one of the panaceas to the country’s energy sector debts. 

He said diversifying Ghana’s energy mix to include more renewable energy sources than thermal sources could reduce the cost of power generation, which is one of the major drivers of energy sector debt. 

‘Diversifying our energy mix to include more renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro can reduce reliance on expensive thermal power and enhance energy security. Investments in renewable energy should be accompanied by incentives and policies that can encourage private sector participation in generating electricity for the country,’ he said. 

Thermal generation accounts for the largest share of Ghana’s power generation, representing 66 percent of Ghana’s thermal power generation, which is fuelled largely by natural gas but occasionally with light crude oil and diesel and 33 percent of hydro.

The former CEO
of GRIDCO said this during a training session organised by Energy News Africa to train journalists on the operations of the key players in the energy sector value chain.

Facilitators from the various departments and agencies in the energy sector took turns to educate the journalists on their duties and challenges. 

Ing. Baah said delayed payments from government institutions and the high cost of producing power by the power generator also worsened the debt situation in the energy sector.

These challenges, he said, could be addressed through the implementation of cost-reflective tariffs that reflected the cost of the power generation and an effective payment schedule with the power generators, although such measures might face political challenges. 

According to Edward Bawa, a member of the Energy Committee in parliament, the power sector is currently facing a $1.5 billion debt that the government is unable to pay. 

Mr. Baah noted that technical losses through distribution losses by the Electricity Compan
y of Ghana also occasioned the debt situation in the energy sector. 

He said most of the infrastructure used in the distribution of electricity was old and inefficient, as it was installed as late as the 1960s. 

He, however, advised the government to pursue strategic reforms and investments through enhancing and upgrading infrastructure and improving billing and metering systems to address technical and distribution losses. 

Mr. Baah also said effective management of the energy sector required strong government structures. 

He emphasised that the strong government structure included a transparent regulatory framework and accountability mechanisms. 

Source: Ghana News Agency

NGO donates to four needy institutions?

Passion for Needy, an NGO, has donated assorted food items to four needy institutions in Accra.

The items are bags of rice cartons of spaghetti, cartons of canned fish, vegetable oil, puree and toilet rolls.

The NGO also organised a buffet lunch for the beneficiaries to enable them enjoy themselves within the current economic challenges.

The institutions are Street Academy, Accra Rehabilitation Centre (ARC), Nungua Orphanage and the Ghana Society for the Socially Disadvantaged.

The donation is an annual event to acknowledge the contribution of the late Prophet T.B.Joshua, the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations on his birthday, June 12.

Mrs Janet Torgbor El-Aschkar, Chairperson, Passion for Needy, said the gesture was part of the organization’s corporate social responsibility to respond to the needs of less privileged in society.

She said the NGO since its inception in 2009 had provided support to various government institutions, including the ARC, La Boys and Girls Correctional Centre, the G
overnment Special Schools and the Osu Children’s Home.

‘We have also supported privately owned charitable institutions including the Teshie Children’s Home, Christ Faith Forster Home, YOA Foundation, Islamic Research Institute for their efforts  in addressing challenges in society,’ she said.

She said as government continued to put in measures to ameliorate the plight of needy people, the organisation thought it prudent to also contribute their little substance to achieve the desired goal.

Ms El-Aschkar was confident that the organisation’s ‘widows might’ could help make the difference in their lives, calling on other institutions to come on board to support needy institutions.

The representatives of the beneficiary institutions commended the organisation for the kind gesture and prayed for the success of the NGO in continuing to serve humanity.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Bamenda Archbishop calls faithfuls to order, after alleged apparition of Mary

The head of the Bamenda Archdiocese has informed christians ‘that no one can, or is allowed to pronounce with certitude at this time, that the Blessed Virgin Mary is appearing in the said house in Ngomgham.’

His Grace Andrew Nkea in a pastoral letter to the local church on June 8, 2024 said the alleged apparition of Mary – believed to be the Mother of Jesus, in the house of a member of the All Angels Small Christian Community, in the Immaculate Conception Parish Ngomgham, Madam Dorothy Enow Manyor needs ‘thorough discernment’.

The alleged appearance on June 6, has attracted thousands of christians and non christians alike to the site, the prelate said. He informed the general public that only the competent Ecclesiastical Authorities as stipulated by the Norm of the Holy See of May 17, 2024 can be sure of the phenomena.

Archbishop Nkea urged christians to only make use of their parish houses and church shrines for prayers until this investigations are done. He as well affirmed that the household alleged for
the apparition have a right to their privacy.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

HM the King Congratulates Narendra Modi on Inauguration as India’s PM for Third Term

His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to Narendra Modi, on the occasion of his inauguration as Prime Minister of the Republic of India for a third term.

In this message, HM the King extends His warmest congratulations to Modi, on the occasion of his inauguration at the head of the government of the Republic of India, following the victory of his party ‘Bharatiya Janata’ in the legislative elections, wishing him continued success in his lofty mission to promote progress and prosperity for the benefit of the friendly Indian people.

The Sovereign takes this opportunity to express His deep satisfaction with the rapidly developing relations rooted in friendship and mutual esteem, reaffirming His determination to work together with Modi to strengthen the special ties between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of India, and to extend the close cooperation between the two countries to various other sectors, ‘as this would consolidate our strategic partnership and help us serve our peop
les’ shared interests’.

His Majesty the King also expresses His sincere congratulations to Modi and wishes him continued good health and happiness.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

HM the King Congratulates Jordan’s Sovereigns on 25th Anniversary of Their Accession to Throne

His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of congratulations to King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein and Queen Rania, Sovereigns of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of their accession to the throne.

In this message, His Majesty the King expresses, in his personal name and on behalf of the Moroccan people, His warmest congratulations to the sovereigns of the Kingdom of Jordan on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their accession to the throne, praying God to grant them good health, happiness and long life, and to perpetuate prosperity and well-being over the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan under their wise leadership.

The Sovereign says he is ‘proud of the exceptional and close relations that unite our two countries, ties that we constantly and mutually aspire to strengthen further in various fields and at all levels’, in the interests of our two brotherly peoples.

His Majesty the King renews His congratulations as well as His warmest greetings to all members of
the noble Royal Family of Jordan and His best wishes to the brotherly Jordanian people.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse