Access to sanitary pad key to females’ retention in school – ActionAid

Madam Abiba Nibaradun, the Upper West Regional Programme Manager of ActionAid Ghana (AAG), has indicated that access to sanitary pad by school girls was key in ensuring equity in access to quality education between females and their male counterparts.

She said this was because difficulty in accessing sanitary pads by some girls, particularly at the basic level adversely affected their effective participation in teaching and learning as they missed out of school during their menstrual periods.

She observed with worry that some girls engaged in amorous relationships with men against their will to get money to buy sanitary products due to lack of money to buy sanitary pads during menstruation.

Madam Nibaradun said this at Jirapa on the occasion of Menstrual Hygiene Day under the theme: ‘Together for a #PeriodFriendlyWorld’.

The commemoration started with a float along principal streets of Jirapa with over a hundred people including members of the AAG’s Young Urban Women Movement and the Girls’ Empowerment an
d Advocacy Platforms from Basic Schools across Jirapa and Lambussie participating in the march.

They wielded placards with the inscriptions ‘A sanitary pad to someone makes a difference. Donate a pad and not humiliation; Don’t laugh when I soil myself with menstrual blood, support me cover up when I am stained’ among others.

Madam Nibaradun said her interactions with some girls in some Basic Schools in the Jirapa and Lambussie districts revealed that girls who could not afford sanitary pads stayed out of school during their menstrual periods for fear of humiliation and stigma should they stain their cloths.

She explained that in the 21st century, sanitary pad price hikes and stigma associated with menstruation still hindered many girls, particularly in the rural communities from enjoying fully, their right to quality education.

The least price of a sanitary pad in the open market is Gh?15.00, which Madam Nibaradun attributed to the high taxes on imported sanitary pads and raw materials imported for its pr

‘It is expected that for a nation like Ghana with more than 50 per cent of its population being female, the prices of sanitary products should have been very affordable in the market to support women and girls during menstruation’, she explained.

The AAG Regional Boss condemned the myth that girls and women in their menstrual periods could not cook for some people to eat, go to certain places, or not to eat certain foods.

Madam Nibaradun said ActionAid had, in the past years, distributed re-usable sanitary pads to over 600 basic school girls who were members of the advocacy platforms in the Jirapa, Sissala and Lambussie districts to support their retention in school.

She appealed to stakeholders and benevolent individuals and organisations to help provide sanitary pads to support girls, particularly those in rural communities, to enable them to maintain personal hygiene during menstruation and to stay in school within that period.

ActionAid also distributed 100 reusable sanitary pads to the gir
ls at the event to help reduce absenteeism among girls during menstruation.

Some of the girls who spoke to the Ghana News Agency expressed gratitude to AAG for the support as it would enable them stay in school during their menstrual periods.

Madam Florence Darimaani, the Adolescent Focal Person at the Jirapa Municipal Health Directorate, educated the girls on personal hygiene management during menstruation.

Madam Lydia Ninberewe, the Jirapa Municipal Gender Desk Officer, advised the girls to extend the menstrual hygiene knowledge to their peers and urged parents to provide menstrual hygiene needs for their children when necessary.

She also advised the girls not to use poverty as an excuse to request sanitary pads from men who would in turn ask for sex and eventually truncate their life dreams and aspirations.

Mr Huudu Kunaateh, the Jirapa Municipal Director of Education, observed that some people stigmatise menstruating girls or women to the extent that they felt less of a human, which he described as u

He thanked AAG for its continuous support to the education sector in the municipality to help improve education, especially for the girl child.

Source: Ghana News Agency

PM Abiy Ahmed, First Lady Zinash Tayachew in Seoul for Official Visit

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First Lady Zinash Tayachew have arrived in Seoul, South Korea for an official visit.

During his stay, the premier accompanied by a ministerial delegation, will participate in the Korea-Africa Summit, according to Office of the Prime Minister.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Representatives of Addis Ababa Conducting Consultation to Sort Out City Level Agendas

Addis Ababa: The Representatives of Addis Ababa who are given roles to sort out agendas for the city are rigorously discussing important issues that will be dealt with by Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC.)

A four-day Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission’s chapters of the dialogue sessions that brought together representatives from various segments of the society of Addis Ababa concluded yesterday.

Political parties, representatives of institutions, associations, representatives from the three branches of the government i.e. the executive, the legislative and the judicial, as well as representatives of opinion leaders and other stakeholders participated in the consultation.

The participants, who are 121, have represented 11 social groups in Addis Ababa are anticipated to discuss the agendas each group has gathered, and then organize and set city level agendas.

Ethiopia has already embarked on its first-ever national dialogue and a highly anticipated nationwide consultation project in response
to historical and contemporary contradictions and challenges.

At the inaugural session of the nationwide agenda setting consultative chapter held at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum on Saturday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took part as a stakeholder representing the government.

At the event, the prime minister urged all stakeholders not to miss this opportunity and utilize this rare and historic opportunity properly for dialogue, towards making all Ethiopians winner.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy, First Lady Zinash Warmly Welcomed by City of Chuncheon

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First Lady Zinash Tayachew were warmly welcomed by the city of Chuncheon where they lay a wreath at the monument of Ethiopian veterans of the Korean War and briefly toured the Memorial Hall.

This memorial honors the Ethiopian Kagnew Battalion, which fought alongside South Korean and United Nations forces during the Korean War.

The hall serves as a tribute to the sacrifices and contributions made by Ethiopian soldiers and aims to strengthen the historical ties between Ethiopia and South Korea, according to the Office of the Prime Minister.

Recall that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First Lady Zinash Tayachew are in South Korea for an official visit.

During his stay, the premier, accompanied by a ministerial delegation, will participate in the Korea-Africa Summit.

The Summit will be held on 4th and 5th of June 2024, under the theme ‘The Future We Make Together: Shared Growth, Sustainability, and Solidarity’, it was learned.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Premier Reaffirms Ethiopia’s Commitment to Further Enhance Partnership with South Korea

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has reaffirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to work together with South Korea to further enhance partnership between the two countries.

The Prime Minister who is in South Korea for an official working visit also appreciated South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol for a warm welcome to his delegation.

‘I (would) like to thank President Yoon Suk Yeol for receiving us today. Our countries share a long history spanning over six decades, rooted in Ethiopia’s support during the Korean War,’ the premier shared on his social media channels.

Prime Minister Abiy added that: ‘I am confident that we will work together to further enhance our partnership.’

The premier and First Lady Zinash Tayachew were warmly welcomed by the city of Chuncheon today where they lay a wreath at the monument of Ethiopian veterans of the Korean War and briefly toured the Memorial Hall.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency