April 2023 Archives

All Africa Leather Fair Opens in Addis

The All Africa Leather Fair, which has attracted over 200 exhibitors in leather and leather products, opened here at the Millennium Hall in Addis Ababa.The continental event has brought together African leather sector actors, leather and leather produc…


Nutritionists discourage roadside eating

Roadside restaurants as they are commonly called by Cameroonians, are where a good number of persons choose to eat on a daily basis. “With the present economic hardship, we can’t afford luxurious meals in high class restaurants. At least at the roadsid…


Cameroon: more cholera cases surface

Already 5 persons have died of cholera in the Centre region of Cameroon and 88 cases have been detected as of April 19 with a mortality rate of 5.68%. The information was revealed on Wednesday April 19th by the Minister of public ealth, Dr Manaouda Mal…