December 9, 2021 Archives

Huawei & Informa Tech Call for Collective Action to Build a Greener Africa at Africa Green ICT Forum 2021

CASABLANCA, Morocco, Dec. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Africa Green ICT Forum 2021, co-hosted by Huawei and Informa, concluded on December 7. With a focus on ”Building a Green Africa, Bridging the Energy Gap”, this virtual event brought together industry leaders from Huawei, GSMA, Uptime Institute, Omdia, Chemtech Solar, African Development Bank, Orange Mali, Vodafone […]


Freshworks Helps Africa’s Leading Media Company MultiChoice Deliver a Modern Employee and Customer Experience

Freshdesk helped increase satisfaction scores across 20 million Multichoice subscribers; while Freshservice streamlined internal employee IT support tickets SAN MATEO, Calif and RANDBURG, South Africa, Dec. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Freshworks Inc. (NASDAQ: FRSH), a leading software company empowering businesses to delight their customers and employees, announced that African broadcasting and pay television company, […]